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A22     SPORTS
                Tuesday 27 November 2018
            Leclerc not feeling the pressure ahead of Ferrari move

            By JEROME PUGMIRE                                                                                                   appraisal.  Leclerc  did  not
            AP Sports Writer                                                                                                    hide from his errors but em-
            ABU  DHABI,  United  Arab                                                                                           braced  them  and  worked
            Emirates  (AP)  —  Pressure                                                                                         through them.
            does  not  seem  to  affect                                                                                         "I  don't  have  many  re-
            Charles  Leclerc,  which  is                                                                                        grets  because,  even  in
            just as well given where his                                                                                        the  weekends  things  went
            career is taking him.                                                                                               badly,  that's  when  I  learnt
            The 21-year-old driver from                                                                                         the most," he told the AP.
            Monaco  has  earned  a                                                                                              "They  helped  me  become
            prestigious  move  to  Fer-                                                                                         the  driver  I  am  now.  I
            rari  following  strong  per-                                                                                       learned  the  mistakes  you
            formances  for  unheralded                                                                                          shouldn't  make  in  Formula
            Sauber in his debut Formula                                                                                         One."
            One season.                                                                                                         Leclerc  has  already  expe-
            Leclerc will race alongside                                                                                         rienced  a  lot  of  emotional
            four-time  world  champion                                                                                          turmoil  —  losing  his  father
            Sebastian  Vettel  in  2019                                                                                         and  his  close  friend  Jules
            at  Ferrari.  Vettel  has  52                                                                                       Bianchi  —  and  those  set-
            wins and 111 podiums, but                                                                                           backs forged a remarkably
            Leclerc  is  expected  to  be                                                                                       strong mental strength.
            free  to  compete  evenly                                                                                           Last year in F2, Leclerc took
            against the German driver.                                                                                          pole  position  and  won  in
            Along  with  Red  Bull's  Max                                                                                       Baku, Azerbaijan, shortly af-
            Verstappen  —  who  is  the   Sauber driver Charles Leclerc of Monaco poses with the team before the first free practice at the   ter the death of his father.
            same  age  —  Leclerc  is    Yas Marina racetrack in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Friday Nov. 23, 2018.         That  was  only  two  years
            tipped to follow Lewis Ham-                                                                        Associated Press  after  losing  his  childhood
            ilton and Vettel as F1's next  13th,  12th  and  19th  in  his  didn't  go  unnoticed  either  in  the  hard-nosed  world  friend  Bianchi,  the  highly
            stars.                       first three races.           and  people  were  asking  of  elite  competition.  But  rated  French  driver  who
            Leclerc  won  last  year's  F2  "I remember when I made  questions of me."             Leclerc  speaks  without  a  died in July 2015 at the age
            championship  at  the  first  mistakes  three  weekends  Asked  if  he  is  affected  by  hint  of  arrogance  and  in  of 25 from head injuries sus-
            attempt,  fast-tracking  him  in  a  row  it  seemed  like  an  any  questioning  of  him,  precise  sentences  woven  tained  in  a  collision  during
            into F1 and casting him into  eternity,"  Leclerc  told  The  Leclerc replied firmly.  around  an  immense  in-     the 2014 Japanese GP.
            the spotlight. But by his own  Associated  Press  on  the  "No,  not  at  all,"  he  said,  "It  ner belief. One of Leclerc's  Adversity  helped  Leclerc
            admission,  he  made  errors  Sauber motorhome rooftop  doesn't get to me."            strengths,  and  a  key  rea-  withstand  other  pressures
            as  he  forced  the  car  too  at  the  Abu  Dhabi  Grand  A  veneer  of  confidence  son  why  Ferrari  rates  him  and  develop  a  clinical
            much  on  track,  finishing  Prix.  "From  the  outside  it  can  be  quickly  exposed  highly, is a capacity for self-  perspective.q

            England wins 3rd test, completes whitewash in Sri Lanka

            By REX CLEMENTINE                                                                                                   them  to  lead  England  to
            Associated Press                                                                                                    victory.
            COLOMBO,  Sri  Lanka  (AP)                                                                                          England  had  won  the  first
            — England claimed a hard-                                                                                           test in Galle by 211 runs and
            fought  42-run  win  over  Sri                                                                                      the second in Pallekele by
            Lanka in the third test with                                                                                        57 runs to win their first series
            a day to spare Monday to                                                                                            in Sri Lanka in 17 years.
            complete a 3-0 whitewash.                                                                                           England  became  only  the
            Chasing a target of 327 at                                                                                          third  team  to  complete  a
            Sinhalese  Sports  Club,  Sri                                                                                       3-0 whitewash in Sri Lanka.
            Lanka was reduced to 226-                                                                                           Australia did it in 2004 and
            9 but the last wicket pair of                                                                                       then India in 2017.
            captain  Suranga  Lakmal                                                                                            "The  way  we've  played
            (11) and Malinda Pushpak-                                                                                           has been exceptional and
            umara (42) shared a 58-run                                                                                          a  great  motivator  to  keep
            stand  off  75  balls  to  delay                                                                                    doing  what  we  are,"  Root
            the final result.                                                                                                   said.  "To  keep  looking  to
            Despite  tea  being  extend-                                                                                        get better and drive each
            ed by 30 minutes, England                                                                                           other on."
            failed  to  make  the  break-                                                                                       After  a  poor  start  at  54-4
            through  as  the  last  pair   England's Jack Leach, left, celebrates taking the wicket of Sri Lanka's Lakshan Sandakan during   on the third day, Sri Lanka
            picked up runs. The victory   the fourth day of the third test cricket match between Sri Lanka and England in Colombo, Sri   fought back through a 102-
            eventually came in the first   Lanka, Monday, Nov. 26, 2018.                                       Associated Press  run stand for the sixth wick-
            over  after  tea  when  Jack                                                                                        et  between  Kusal  Mendis
            Leach trapped Lakmal leg  two-hour session and it's hot  "Sometimes  that  extra  half  things  down  again,  simpli-  (86) and Roshen Silva (65).
            before wicket.               so you look forward to the  hour  can  go  against  you  fy it and finish the job very  Leach  produced  a  direct
            "It  was  frustrating  because  20-minute break when you  and  it  felt  like  it  did  today  professionally."     hit  to  run  out  Mendis  after
            you're looking at 10 minutes  can  regroup,  dust  yourself  but we very quickly dusted  Spinners  Moeen  Ali  (4-92)  lunch  to  allow  the  tourists
            before  tea  and  you  get  down and go again," Eng-      ourselves  down  and  took  and  Leach  (4-72)  shared  to  take  a  firm  grip  on  the
            them nine down. It's a long  land captain Joe Root said.  the  opportunity  to  calm  eight   wickets   between  game.q
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