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                    Tuesday 26 March 2019
            Marijuana ER visits climb in Denver hospital study

            By CARLA K. JOHNSON                                                                                                 but  the  experience  shook
            AP Medical Writer                                                                                                   her  up.  “It  was  extremely
            Five  years  after  Colorado                                                                                        scary,” she said of the feel-
            first  legalized  marijuana,  a                                                                                     ing.  “When  was  this  go-
            new study shows pot’s bad                                                                                           ing  to  go  away?  It  was  so
            effects  are  sending  more                                                                                         frightening.”
            people  to  the  emergency                                                                                          In the state-funded study ,
            room.                                                                                                               there were 2,567 emergen-
            Inhaled  marijuana  caused                                                                                          cy visits at the Denver hos-
            the  most  severe  problems                                                                                         pital  caused  by  marijuana
            at  one  large  Denver  area                                                                                        from 2012-2016. It’s not just
            hospital.  Marijuana-infused                                                                                        tourists;  9  out  of  10  cases
            foods  and  candies,  called                                                                                        were Colorado residents.
            edibles, also led to trouble.                                                                                       Seventeen  percent  of  the
            Patients  came  to  the  ER                                                                                         visits  were  for  uncontrolled
            with  symptoms  such  as  re-                                                                                       bouts  of  vomiting.  It  was
            peated  vomiting,  racing                                                                                           most  often  from  inhaled
            hearts  and  psychotic  epi-                                                                                        marijuana, not edibles.
            sodes. The study, published                                                                                         Twelve percent of the cas-
            Monday in Annals of Inter-                                                                                          es were for acute psycho-
            nal  Medicine,  stemmed                                                                                             sis, where people without a
            from tales of tourists need-   This Monday, Jan. 28, 2019 file photo shows marijuana buds ready for harvest in Akron, Ohio.   history  of  mental  disorders
            ing  emergency  care  after                                                                        Associated Press  lose touch with reality. That
            gobbling  too  many  mari-   In 2012, the ER saw an av-   ing  dangers,  said  Dr.  Erik  sales,  measured  by  THC  was  more  frequently  seen
            juana gummies.               erage of one patient every  Messamore,  a  psychiatrist  content. Yet 11 percent of  with edibles.
            “It  was  hard  to  know  if  other day with a marijuana-  at  Northeast  Ohio  Medi-  ER  visits  were  triggered  by  Intoxication   and   heart
            these  were  just  anecdotes  caused  problem.  By  2016,  cal  University  who  wasn’t  edibles.                   problems were other com-
            or if there was a true phe-  the count was two to three  involved  in  the  research.  Monte said edibles are too  mon complaints.
            nomenon,”  said  lead  au-   per day.                     More  than  30  states  now  dangerous  to  be  part  of  In  an  editorial,  Dr.  Nora
            thor  Dr.  Andrew  Monte  of  That’s   not   enough   to  allow marijuana for at least  the  recreational  market-  Volkow,  director  of  the
            UCHealth University of Col-  swamp the emergency de-      medical  use.  New  Jersey  place. Slow to kick in, their  National  Institute  on  Drug
            orado Hospital.              partment,  Monte  said,  but  is  debating  becoming  the  effects  last  too  long  for  a  Abuse,  called  for more re-
            Three  deaths  in  Colorado  it  stresses  an  already  bur-  11th state to approve rec-  good  party  drug,  he  said.  search on the benefits and
            tied to edible products also  dened system.               reational pot. The U.S. gov-  They  work  better  for  those  harms  of  marijuana.  She
            prompted the study.          Most people can use mari-    ernment considers marijua-   who  want  to  use  them  as  and co-author Ruben Baler
            Emergency  room  records  juana  safely,  Monte  said,  na illegal.                    medicine.                    wrote  there  is  an  “urgent
            from Monte’s hospital show  but with its increased avail-  “You can’t trust the people  Yet  information  on  safe  need” for greater oversight
            a  three-fold  increase  in  ability and higher THC con-  who sell the drugs to be up-  dosing is lacking, as Denver  of  manufacturing  and  la-
            marijuana  cases  since  the  centrations,  “we  may  be  front  with  the  risk,”  Messa-  resident  Arlene  Galchinsky  beling as marijuana use in-
            state  became  the  first  to  seeing  more  adverse  drug  more said, calling for warn-  learned.  She  took  a  mari-  creases with state legaliza-
            allow  sales  of  recreational  reactions,” he said.      ing labels similar to those on  juana  gummy  for  pain  on  tion.  Monte,  an  ER  doctor
            marijuana in January 2014.  THC is the part of marijuana  tobacco products.            top  of  a  prescription  nar-  who  specializes  in  toxicol-
            Nearly  a  third  of  patients  that gets people high.    The analysis confirmed edi-  cotic,  becoming  so  disori-  ogy,  doesn’t  use  marijua-
            were admitted to the hos-    A growing cannabis indus-    bles are trouble. Statewide,  ented  her  husband  called  na. “I’m too busy,” he said.
            pital,  evidence  of  severe  try  promotes  the  drug  as  they  made  up  less  than  1  paramedics.   Galchinsky,  “I  can’t  spend  time  being
            symptoms, Monte said.        a cure-all while downplay-   percent  of  total  cannabis  79,  didn’t  go  to  the  ER,  high.”q

            Big U-turn:  Key melting Greenland glacier is growing again

             BY SETH BORENSTEIN          around  2012  was  retreat-                                                            is  “arguably  the  most  im-
             AP Science Writer           ing about 1.8 miles (3 kilo-                                                           portant  Greenland  gla-
             WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  A  meters) and thinning near-                                                                 cier  because  it  discharges
             major  Greenland  glacier  ly 130 feet (almost 40 me-                                                              the  most  ice  in  the  north-
             that  was  one  of  the  fast-  ters) annually. But it started                                                     ern  hemisphere.  For  all  of
             est shrinking ice and snow  growing  again  at  about                                                              Greenland, it is king.”
             masses on Earth is growing  the  same  rate  in  the  past                                                         A  natural  cyclical  cooling
             again,  a  new  NASA  study  two years, according to a                                                             of  North  Atlantic  waters
             finds. The Jakobshavn (YA-  study  in  Monday’s  Nature                                                            likely caused the glacier to
             cob-shawv-en)      glacier  Geoscience  .  Study  au-                                                              reverse  course,  said  study
                                                                                                                                lead  author  Ala  Khazen-
                                                                                                                                dar, a NASA glaciologist on
                                                                      This 2016 photo provided by NASA shows patches of bare land   the Oceans Melting Green-
                                                                      at the Jakobshavn glacier in Greenland.                   land (OMG) project. Khaz-
                                                                                                               Associated Press   endar  and  colleagues  say
                                                                      thors and outside scientists  and climate scientist Jason  this coincides with a flip of
                                                                      think this is temporary.     Box. “The good news is that  the  North  Atlantic  Oscilla-
                                                                      “That  was  kind  of  a  sur-  it’s a reminder that it’s not  tion — a natural and tem-
                                                                      prise.  We  kind  of  got used  necessarily going that fast.  porary  cooling  and  warm-
                                                                      to a runaway system,” said  But it is going.”             ing  of  parts  of  the  ocean
                                                                      Geological  Survey  of  Den-  Box,  who  wasn’t  part  of  that is like a distant cousin
                                                                      mark  and  Greenland  ice  the study, said Jakobshavn  to El Nino in the Pacific. q
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