P. 29
PEOPLE & ARTS Tuesday 30 May 2017
Some women-only screenings planned for ‘Wonder Woman’
The Associated Press Alamo in Brooklyn posted
NEW YORK (AP) — Take a a statement online saying
seat, “Thor.” what better way to cel-
Scattered plans among ebrate the most iconic su-
Alamo Drafthouse Cin- perheroine than with “an
emas to host women-only all-female screening?”
screenings of the upcom- “Apologies, gentlemen,
ing “Wonder Woman” but we’re embracing our
movie have produced girl power and saying ‘No
both support and some Guys Allowed’ for several
grumbling about gender special shows at the Ala-
discrimination. mo Downtown Brooklyn.
Various locations have And when we say ‘Women
taken to social media in (and people who identify
response, including the as women)only,’
operators of the Brooklyn we mean it. So lasso your
theater promising on Twit- geeky girlfriends together
ter to funnel proceeds from and grab your tickets to
women-only screenings in this celebration of one of
early June to Planned Par- the most enduring and in-
enthood. spiring characters ever cre-
And by women only, they ated.”
mean staff, too. The movie opens June 2
Some of the screenings based on the DC Comics
were already selling out character.
despite social media hat- In this May 25, 2017 file photo, Gal Gadot arrives at the world premiere of “Wonder Woman” in Los It was directed by Pat-
ers, many of whom are Angeles. ty Jenkins and stars Gal
men, and several have Associated Press Gadot as Wonder Wom-
been added. ings began recently in Aus- has held specialty screen- veterans and others. As an/Diana Prince.q
The offer of special screen- tin, Texas, where Alamo ings in the past for military for “Wonder Woman,” the