P. 31

                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Tuesday 30 May 2017

              How Hollywood is giving its biggest stars digital facelifts

            LINDSEY BAHR                                                                                                        “We’re  constantly  fighting
             AP Film Writer                                                                                                     making it look lifelike. One
            LOS ANGELES (AP) — John-                                                                                            of  the  advantages  of  the
            ny  Depp  is  53  years  old                                                                                        process  that  we  use  is  by
            but he doesn’t look a day                                                                                           keeping the original actor,
            over 26 in the new “Pirates                                                                                         we have that starting point
            of  the  Caribbean”  movie                                                                                          of  life,  of  reality,”  Claus
            —  at  least  for  a  few  mo-                                                                                      said.
            ments. There was no plastic                                                                                         It makes the whole process
            surgeon  involved,  heavy                                                                                           harder, but, “It’s worth it.”
            makeup  or  archival  foot-                                                                                         Reactions,   lately   have
            age  used  to  take  the  ac-                                                                                       been mixed, ranging from
            tor back to his boyish “Cry                                                                                         nostalgic   delight   and
            Baby”  face,  however.  It’s                                                                                        “how’d  they  do  that”  cu-
            all  post-production  visual                                                                                        riosity to dismay and wari-
            effects,  and  after  a  de-                                                                                        ness about its future.
            cade  of  refining  the  pro-                                                                                       New  York  Magazine  critic
            cess since Brad Pitt ran the                                                                                        David Edelstein wrote that
            gamut of time in “The Curi-                                                                                         the  “recreations”  are  “far
            ous Case of Benjamin But-                                                                                           more disturbing in their re-
            ton,”  it’s  becoming  com-                                                                                         al-world  implications  than
            monplace  in  major  Holly-                                                                                         the fictional destruction of
            wood movies.                                                                                                        planets and galaxies.”
            Depp  is  just  the  latest                                                                                         For  New  York  Times  crit-
            mega-star to get the dras-                                                                                          ic  Manohla  Dargis,  Rus-
            tic de-aging treatment on                                                                                           sell’s  younger  visage  was
            screen,  joining  the  ranks                                                                                        “weird” and “disrupting.”
            of  Robert  Downey  Jr.  (in                                                                                        “It makes you contemplate
            “Captain  America:  Civil                                                                                           whether    this   Benjamin
            War”), Michael Douglas (in                                                                                          Button-style  age-reversing
            “Ant-Man”), Kurt Russell (in                                                                                        is going to become an in-
            “Guardians  of  the  Galaxy                                                                                         creasingly  standard  (and
            Vol. 2”) and scores of oth-                                                                                         creepy) industry practice,”
            ers  getting  digital  facelifts                                                                                    she wrote.
            to play younger versions of                                                                                         “Pirates  5”  co-director  Es-
            themselves. In the old days,                                                                                        pen Sandberg isn’t as dark
            a  lucky  unknown  looka-                                                                                           about it.
            like  (or  look  enough  alike)                                                                                     “For me it’s just another sto-
            could have scored the part   This combination of photos released by Disney, shows the character Jack Sparrow at two stages   rytelling tool and I think it’s
            of  young  Jack  Sparrow  or   of his life in “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales.”                   really cool,” he said.
            Tony Stark. Now, if the film                                                                       Associated Press  And  for  the  VFX  artists,  it’s
            has  the  budget,  the  stars                                                                                       only the beginning.
            get to have it both ways —   then  manipulating  it.  This  on. The final shots, of which  near-lifelike,  but  not  quite   “Right now what we’re us-
            and audiences get a nos-     isn’t  always  necessary  —  there are 20-25, took about  enough  —  there  are  still   ing it for is a very nuts and
            talgic flashback.            “Rogue  One”  recreated  15 artists a year of work.       trouble spots.               bolts solution to a problem.
            Lola  Visual  Effects  is  re-  the  late  Peter  Cushing’s  That  Depp  has  been  fa-  “One of the things that we   There’s  a  different  and
            sponsible for Depp’s trans-  Grand  Moff  Tarkin  without  mous  since  that  age  was  struggle with is the bottom   more creative future for it,”
            formation, and most of the   him,  and  Carrie  Fisher’s  both a blessing and a curse  of the chin. As you get old-  Brozenich said. “There can
            Marvel  tricks,  which  have   Princess Leia using doubles  for  the  production.  They  er  there  tends  to  be  a  lot   be even crazier, more cre-
            included  making  Chris  Ev-  — but it was critical for “Pi-  had  numerous  reference  of  sag  and  extra  skin  that   ative uses for it ... maybe a
            ans  scrawny  for  the  origi-  rates.”                   points to work with, but, so  develop  underneath  the    hybrid of several actors.”
            nal  “Captain  America”      “No  one  else  can  be  would the audience.              jaw,”  Claus  said.  “It  is  un-  He thinks the next step is a
            and Hayley Atwell some 70    Jack  Sparrow,”  said  Gary  “Working  on  the  human  fortunately not just a simple   digital character that plays
            years older for the sequel.  Brozenich,  the  Oscar-nom-  face is one of the, if not the  task  of  removing  the  wrin-  a  larger  part,  and  not  just
            Lola  was  the  pioneer  be-  inated VFX artist who over-  most  challenging  thing  to  kles  because  the  skin  isn’t   a  flashback.  After  all,  the
            hind  “Benjamin  Button,”    saw  visual  effects  for  the  do,”  said  Trent  Claus,  the  going to be responding the   young Han Solo movie isn’t
            too, and sells their services   film. “Trying to do a digital  visual effects supervisor for  same  as  it  did  when  you   using  a  de-aged  Harrison
            to all the major studios. It’s   approximation ... audienc-  Lola  VFX.  “People  can  tell  were younger. You have to   Ford or Billy Dee Williams —
            one of a handful of vendors   es would see right through  when  there  is  something  change  not  only  the  way   they’ve  cast  Alden  Ehren-
            that have gotten in the so-  it.”                         amiss.  Even  if  they  can’t  it  looks  on  the  outside  but   reich and Donald Glover.
            called “beauty work” busi-   Brozenich  and  the  film-   put  their  finger  on  what  is  how  it  moves  and  reacts   “We  have  digital  charac-
            ness. It’s often meant to go   makers  decided  to  bring  wrong,  they  can  tell  that  to  movement  and  expres-  ters that are a primary part
            unnoticed (like removing a   Depp  back  to  how  he  something is wrong.”             sions.”                      of  (films),  like  Rocket  and
            blemish),  and  is  generally   looked around the time of  And  while  the  artists  have  To  counteract  this,  pro-  Groot  from  ‘Guardians  of
            buried  under  mountains     “21 Jump Street” and “Cry  gotten  better  over  the  ductions will  often shoot a     the  Galaxy’  ...  But  they’re
            of  confidentiality  agree-  Baby” and went through a  years  and  have  mostly  younger  double  to  mimic         never a full-on human per-
            ments.                       number  of  iterations,  over  managed to avoid drifting  an  actor’s  performance,    former that plays a key role
            In  the  case  of  Depp,  and   the  course  of  six  months,  into the dreaded uncanny  which they will use as a ref-  throughout the duration of
            most  of  Lola’s  de-aging   to  arrive  at  the  perfect  valley  —  the  term  used  to  erence  point  for  how  the   a  feature  film,”  he  said.  “I
            work,  the  process  starts   age  (roughly  26)  —  which  describe  the  eerie  feel-  younger  skin  should  be-  think  that  that’s  really  the
            with  capturing  a  perfor-  Depp,  Disney  and  Jerry  ing  you  get  when  looking  have  and  look  in  certain   Holy Grail.”q
            mance from the actor and     Bruckheimer had to sign off  at  a  digital  person  who  is  lights.
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