P. 10

                 Saturday 6 OctOber 2018
            Nobel Peace laureates demand end to sexual violence in war

            By JIM HEINTZ                                                                                                       Mukwege! Looking forward
            MARK LEWIS                                                                                                          to  visiting  Panzi  Hospital
            Associated Press                                                                                                    and  seeing  firsthand  your
            OSLO,  Norway  (AP)  —  An                                                                                          remarkable  work  against
            Iraqi woman who became                                                                                              sexual violence and in sup-
            a global advocate for vic-                                                                                          port of survivors."
            tims after being raped and                                                                                          Supreme Court Justice Ruth
            tortured  by  Islamic  State                                                                                        Bader  Ginsburg,  mean-
            militants  and  a  Congolese                                                                                        while,  tweeted  a  link  to
            surgeon  who  has  treated                                                                                          the Nobel announcement,
            countless  rape  victims  in                                                                                        commenting that "the tim-
            his war-torn nation won the                                                                                         ing  of  this  topic  is  extraor-
            Nobel  Peace  Prize  on  Fri-                                                                                       dinary  as  we  fight  for  the
            day for fighting to end the                                                                                         end  of  #ViolenceAgainst-
            use of sexual violence as a                                                                                         Women."
            weapon of war.                                                                                                      Last year's Peace Prize win-
            Dr.  Denis  Mukwege  was  in                                                                                        ner  was  the  International
            surgery  —  his  second  op-                                                                                        Campaign  to  Abolish  Nu-
            eration of the day — at the                                                                                         clear Weapons.
            hospital that he founded in                                                                                         In  other  Nobel  prizes  this
            1999 in Congo's eastern Bu-  The combo of file photos shows Doctor Denis Mukwege, from the Democratic Republic of Congo   year,  the  medicine  prize
            kavu  region  when  the  an-  and Yazidi woman from Iraq, Nadia Murad on Dec. 13, 2016 as they both address the European   went Monday to James Al-
                                         parliament in Strasbourg, France.
            nouncement  came  Friday                                                                           Associated Press  lison of the University of Tex-
            that  he  and  Nadia  Murad                                                                                         as  M.D.  Anderson  Cancer
            had  won  the  prestigious  and  in  society  —  that  has  men tried to kill him in 2012,  Girl,"  tells  of  her  captivity,  Center  and  Tasuku  Honjo
            prize.  He  learned  of  it  be-  been  highlighted  by  the  forcing  him  to  temporarily  the  loss  of  her  family  and  of  Kyoto  University,  whose
            cause he heard colleagues  "#MeToo" movement.             leave the country.           her eventual escape.         discoveries  helped  cancer
            and  patients  crying  at  the  "We  want  to  send  a  mes-  "This particular type of war  The Yazidis are an ancient  doctors  fight  advanced-
            news.                        sage that women who con-     crime has been more invis-   religious  minority,  falsely  stage tumors.
            The 63-year-old gynecolog-   stitute  half  the  population  ible,  because  the  victims  branded   as   devil-wor-  Scientists  from  the  Unit-
            ical surgeon said for nearly  in those communities actu-  have such a stigma and no  shippers  by  Sunni  Muslim  ed  States,  Canada  and
            20  years  he  has  witnessed  ally  are  used  as  weapons  one  is  willing  to  speak  up  extremists.  IS,  adopting  a  France  shared  the  physics
            war  crimes  "against  wom-  and that they need protec-   on  their  behalf,"  Reiss-An-  radical  interpretation  of  prize  Tuesday  for  revolu-
            en, teenage girls, small girls,  tion, and that the perpetra-  dersen told The Associated  ancient  Islamic  texts,  de-  tionizing  the  use  of  lasers
            babies."                     tors have to be prosecuted  Press.                        clared  that  Yazidi  women  in  research  while  three  re-
            "Dear  survivors  around  the  and held responsible," said  Both  honorees  are  the  first  and even young girls could  searchers  who  "harnessed
            world, I want to tell you that  Berit  Reiss-Andersen,  chair-  from  their  countries  to  re-  be taken as sex slaves.  the  power  of  evolution"
            through this prize the world  woman  of  the  Norwegian  ceive  a  Nobel  Prize  and  Iraqi   President   Bahram  to  produce  enzymes  and
            is  listening  to  you  and  re-  Nobel Committee.        will split the award, which is  Saleh  praised  the  award  antibodies  won  the  Nobel
            fuses indifference," he said.  "#MeToo and war crimes is  worth 9 million Swedish kro-  for Murad, saying on Twitter  Chemistry Prize on Wednes-
            "We  hope  that  the  world  not  quite  the  same  thing,  nor ($1.01 million).       that it was an "honor for all  day.
            will no longer delay taking  but  they  do,  however,  After  the  announcement,  Iraqis  who  fought  terrorism  Donna  Strickland  of  the
            action  in  your  favor,  with  have  in  common  that  it  is  mobile   phone   footage  and bigotry."             University  of  Waterloo  in
            force  and  determination,  important to see the suffer-  showed  a  smiling  Mukwe-   Congo's  government  con-    Canada became only the
            because the survival of hu-  ing of women," she said.     ge jostled by dancing, ulu-  gratulated Mukwege while  third woman to win a phys-
            manity depends on you. It's  Rights   advocates    were  lating  medical  colleagues  acknowledging  that  their  ics  Nobel,  while  Frances
            you women who carry hu-      thrilled  with  the  choice  of  in  scrubs  in  the  hospital's  relations  with  him  have  Arnold  was  only  the  fifth
            manity."                     this year's winners.         courtyard.                   been  strained.  Govern-     woman to win a chemistry
            Murad  was  one  of  an  es-  "Dr. Mukwege brings smiles  Eastern  Congo  has  seen  ment  spokesman  Lambert  Nobel since the prizes were
            timated  3,000  Yazidi  girls  and  helps  repair  women  more  than  two  decades  Mende told The Associated  first handed out in 1901.
            and  women  kidnapped  in  from  the  barbaric  acts  of  of  conflict  among  armed  Press that Mukwege did "re-   The  winner  of  the  Nobel
            2014  by  IS  militants  in  Iraq  men  in  Congo,"  said  Sol-  groups  that  either  sought  markable" work, though he  Memorial Prize in Economic
            and sold into sex slavery. At  ange  Furaha  Lwashiga,  a  to unseat presidents or sim-  claimed the laureate tend-  Sciences  will  be  revealed
            19, she was raped, beaten  Congolese  women's  activ-     ply  grab  control  of  some  ed to politicize it.        on Monday.
            and  tortured  before  man-  ist.                         the central African nation's  "(Still) we salute that a col-  No Nobel literature prize will
            aging  to  escape  after  "We're  talking  (about)  two  vast mineral wealth.          league  is  recognized,"  he  be  awarded  this  year  due
            three months. After getting  ordinary citizens, at one lev-  "The  importance  of  Dr.  said.                       to a sex abuse scandal at
            treatment in Germany, she  el, who show that ordinary  Mukwege's enduring, dedi-       "I am proud to be Congo-     the   Swedish   Academy,
            chose to speak to the world  people  can  do  extraordi-  cated and selfless efforts in  lese,"  said  the  country's  which chooses the winner.
            about the horrors faced by  nary  things.  And  they've  this  field  cannot  be  over-  top  opposition  leader,  Fe-  The academy plans to an-
            Yazidi  women,  regardless  shown a kind of political will  stated.  He  has  repeatedly  lix  Tshisekedi,  in  a  Twitter  nounce both the 2018 and
            of the stigma in her culture  that we're not seeing in our  condemned  impunity  for  post.  "Good  done  for  oth-  the  2019  winner  next  year
            surrounding rape.            political  leaders  right  now  mass  rape  and  criticized  ers  always  ends  up  being  — but the head of the No-
            At 23, she was named the  to make a difference," said  the  Congolese  govern-         rewarded."                   bel Foundation has said the
            U.N.'s first Goodwill Ambas-  Kumi Naidoo, head of Am-    ment  and  other  countries  In  the  United  States,  Presi-  body  must  fix  its  tarnished
            sador for the Dignity of Sur-  nesty International.       for  not  doing  enough  to  dent  Donald  Trump  didn't  reputation first.
            vivors of Human Trafficking.  Many of the women treat-    stop  the  use  of  sexual  vio-  comment  on  the  Peace  The  man  at  the  center  of
            This year's peace prize an-  ed by Mukwege were vic-      lence  against  women  as  Prize but his new ambassa-     the   Swedish   Academy
            nouncement  comes amid  tims  of  gang  rape  in  the  a strategy and weapon of  dor to Congo did.                  scandal,  Jean-Claude  Ar-
            a  heightened  attention  to  central African nation that  war," the Nobel committee  U.S. Ambassador Mike Ham-     nault, was sentenced Mon-
            the sexual abuse of women  has been wracked by con-       said.                        mer  said  in  a  Twitter  post:  day  to  two  years  in  prison
            — in war, in the workplace  flict  for  decades.  Armed  Murad's  book,  "The  Last  "Congratulations  Dr.  Denis  for rape.q
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