P. 31
PEOPLE & ARTS Saturday 6 OctOber 2018
Joe Masteroff, story writer for the musical 'Cabaret,' dies
By MARK KENNEDY people were very disap-
Associated Press pointed. Once the reviews
NEW YORK (AP) — Joe Mas- came out, that ended."
teroff, the Tony Award-win- The original production —
ning story writer of the bril- starring Jill Haworth as Sally,
liant, edgy musical "Caba- Bert Convy as Clifford and
ret" and the touching, ro- Joel Grey as the Master of
mantic "She Loves Me," has Ceremonies — was one of
died. He was 98. the most influential musi-
Masteroff died Friday at the cals of the 1960s. It won the
Actors Fund Home in Engle- best musical Tony in 1967.
wood, New Jersey, said The It was one of the first of
Roundabout Theatre Com- the so-called "concept"
pany, which produced musicals, in which book,
recent revivals of his best- music, lyrics, scenery, cos-
loved shows. tumes and lighting worked
"Today we deeply mourn together to get across the
the loss of our friend Joe show's idea. A 1972 film
Masteroff, one of the 20th version was directed by
century's masters of the Bob Fosse and starred Liza
Great American Musical. Minnelli, Michael York and
His 'She Loves Me' and In this March 12, 2015 file photo, Joe Masteroff attends the opening night performance of Broad- Grey.
'Cabaret' helped shape way's "On the Twentieth Century" in New York. A Broadway "Cabaret"
our theater, and we were Associated Press revival by director Sam
honored to present them Mendes and choreogra-
both on Broadway," said Broadway performances to for a musical that took a shaw and a second be- pher Rob Marshall starring
Todd Haimes, artistic direc- but got Masteroff noticed. look at a seamy slice of life tween a German landlady Alan Cumming won the
tor and CEO of the Round- He was asked to write the in Germany just before the and her Jewish tenant. best revival Tony in 1998
about Theatre Company. book for "She Loves Me" Nazi takeover. Masteroff It debuted in Boston in 1966 and it was revived again
"Joe was a close collabora- with songs by Jerry Bock compressed Christopher and was a sensation — au- in 2014 with Cumming
tor, a legendary wit, and a and Sheldon Harnick. It was Isherwood's "Berlin Stories" diences were not used to aboard and actresses in-
dear friend. Our thoughts produced by the legend- and John van Druten's play going to shows that mixed cluding Michelle Williams,
and prayers are with his ary Hal Prince. "I Am a Camera." The songs call girl characters and Na- Emma Stone and Sienna
friends and family." "She Loves Me," a case of were provided by compos- zis, lasciviousness, alcohol- Miller playing Sally.
Masteroff was never prolific mistaken identity set in a er John Kander and lyricist ism and abortions. Both "She Loves You" and
but made a profound mark 1930's European perfum- Fred Ebb. "I always thought that this "Cabaret" made numerous
on the theater with two ery, was nominated for five The show is set in 1920s Ber- show was very iffy. We had appearances on Broad-
shows seemingly at oppo- Tonys in 1964 and the 1993 lin where a sleazy nightclub done so many things that way and regionally over
site ends of the spectrum — Broadway revival won the becomes a metaphor for nobody in their right mind the years. Masteroff only
one considered by many Olivier Award for best musi- a world slowly going mad would have done. That it helped write one other
to be the most charming cal revival. and drifting toward world worked was a pleasant adaptation to make it to
musical ever written and A 2016 Tony-nominated re- war. The musical was first surprise," Masteroff said in Broadway — "70, Girls, 70"
the other a ferociously dark vival on Broadway starred called "Welcome to Berlin," 2015. in 1971, which lasted only
musical with ominous Nazis. Laura Benanti, Jane Kra- a name that was dropped "At the first performances 35 performances — but his
"I've had a limited career, kowski and Zachary Levi. after Masteroff suggested — maybe the first three or career was set.
but it's been OK," he told The story has been adapt- "Cabaret." four days — people kept "I wrote a few shows after
The Associated Press in a ed into the films "The Shop In the show, cabaret num- walking out. In numbers. that but mostly for my own
2015 interview as another Around the Corner" with bers are interspersed with And the reason, quite obvi- amusement," he said. "I
national tour of "Cabaret" James Stewart and "You've two love stories — one ously, was they went to see haven't had a big career,
was kicking off. Got Mail" with Tom Hanks. between free spirit Sally a musical called 'Cabaret' you might say. I'm not that
The Philadelphia-born Mas- It was Prince who next Bowles and an American and there was something anxious. If I'm doing all right,
teroff hoped as a young asked him to write the libret- writer named Cliff Brad- wrong with this show. Some I'll settle for that."q
man to write plays and af-
ter serving in World War II
took a course for playwrit- Wrapping 'Avengers 4,' Chris Evans hangs up Cap's shield
ing. He hadn't found much
success until his 1959 com- Associated Press cast in 2010. He has starred
edy play "The Warm Penin- NEW YORK (AP) — Chris Ev- in three "Captain America"
sula" made it to Broadway ans has wrapped his final films, including 2016's "Cap-
starring Julie Harris. performance as Captain tain America: Civil War," as
"One day my agent called America. well as numerous team-up
and said 'Joe, I've got Evans on Thursday tweet- films.
wonderful news. Julie Har- ed that his last shooting The actor previously sug-
ris wants to do your play.' I day on "Avengers 4" was gested he would soon de-
said, 'Which play?' He told an "emotional day." The part the role. Earlier this
me and said, 'Not only 37-year-old actor thanked year, Evans told The New
that, she wants to tour for a his colleagues and fans for York Times that wanted to
year throughout the United his eight years as Captain "get off the train before
States and then bring it to American, saying it "has they push you off." In this image released by Disney, Paul Rudd, Jeremy Renner,
New York.' That day my life been an honor." "Avengers 4" is slated to Chris Evans, Elizabeth Olsen and Sebastian Stan appear in a
changed." Evans first joined the Marvel open in May next year.q scene from "Captain America: Civil War." Associated Press
The show only managed 86