P. 27

                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Saturday 6 OctOber 2018
                                                                                                                                         527 4000
                                                                                                                                     Imsan- San Nicolas
                                                                                                                                         524 8833
                                                                      Divi Golf
                                                                      1 br unit 2316 8/31/19 luxury                                DOCTOR ON DUTY
                                                                      $3500 and studio room 4201                                       Oranjestad
                                                                      8/31 $3000 also wk 50 12/15                               Dr. Anthony Tel. 585 8017
                                                                      luxury 4 studio rm 2314  sale                                   San Nicolas
                                                                      $3500 rent $795                                           Dr. Boderie Tel. 584 5151
                                                                      email                                      Women in Difficulties
                                                                      508 651 0016 | Local 565 9394                             PHARMACY ON DUTY
                                                                      ________________________________210192                    Oranjestad:
                                                                                                                                Dakota Tel. 588 7364
                                                                      Time share For Sale                                       San Nicolas
                                                                      weeks 40 & 41                                             San Lucas Tel. 584 5119
                                                                      Paradise beach Villa                                      Women in Difficulties
                                                                      2 bedr town house with  2 bath-
                                                                      rooms, 2 balconies & full kitchen                         Dental Clinic 587 9850
                                                                      saturday check in $5400 / each                            Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
                                                                                                                                Mobility Equip . Gire
            In this Aug. 8, 2018 photo, a sea lion swims near the Palomino   call:630-1307                                      568 5165
            Islands off the coast of Lima, Peru.                                                Urgent Care 586 0448
                                                     Associated Press                                                           Women in Difficulties
                                                                      _________________________________210173                   EMERGENCY
             Tourists flock to swim with                              FOR RENT WEEK 47                                          Police            100
                                                                      at THe Tropicana Resort
             sea lions near Peru’s capital                            Nov.25 to dec 2                                           Oranjestad        527 3140
                                                                                                                                                  527 3200
                                                                      contact ruth: 297 568 4241                                Sta. Cruz         527 2900
                                                                      or 297 584 8747                                           San  Nicolas      584 5000
            Associated Press             tourists  visited  the  sea  lion   675 uS dollars                                     Police Tipline      11141
            LIMA,  Peru  (AP)  —  Foreign  reserve,  according  to  the                                                         Ambulancia
            tourists  are  flocking  to  a  government,   with   most   ________________________________210190                  Fire Dept.        115
            group  of  rocky  islands  a  stopping at Palomino island                                                           Red Cross         582 2219
            few  miles  off  the  coast  of  about 3 miles (5 kilometers)
            Peru’s  capital  for  a  once-  from the coast.                                                                     TAXI SERVICES
            in-a-lifetime  experience:  a  Many  tourists  swim  just                                                           Taxi Tas       587 5900
                                                                                                                                               588 0035
                                                                                                                                Prof. Taxi
            chance  to  swim  with  sea  feet  away  from  the  giant                                                           Taxi D.T.S.    587 2300
            lions.                       mammals and snap selfies                                                               Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
            The  39  rocky  islands  near  near  the  rocks.  Small  mo-                                                        A1 Taxi Serv.   280 2828
            Lima  are  home  to  an  un-  tor  boats  shuttle  onlookers                                                        Women in Difficulties
            told  number  of  sea  lions  past  the  island  throughout                                                         TRAVEL INFO
            who  bathe  gracefully  and  the day.                                                                               Aruba Airport   524 2424
            feast on abundant fish that  Local  tour  operators  ap-                                                            American Airlines 582 2700
            thrive  in  the  cold-water  pear grateful for the boost.                                                           Avianca       588 0059
            Humboldt current.            Peru has earned a growing                                                              Aruba Airlines  583 8300
                                                                                                                                              588 2244
                                                                                                                                Jet Blue
            But  activists  warn  that  the  reputation  for  world-class                                                       Surinam       582 7896
            largely  unregulated  eco-   cuisine,  and  the  sea  lions                                                         Venezolana    583 7674
            tourism  activity  could  be  have  become  another  of-                                                            Women in Difficulties
            potentially dangerous and  fering  for  travelers  seeking                                                          CRUISES
            disruptive  to  the  wild  ani-  out  better-known  attrac-
            mals and their habitat.      tions  like  the  Incan  site  of
            Last year, more than 20,000  Machu Picchu.q

                                                                                                                                October 07
                                                                                                                                October 9
                                                                                                                                celebrity equinox
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
                                                                                                                                AID FOUNDATIONS
                                                                                                                                FAVI- Visually Incapasitated
                                                                                                                                Tel. 582 5051
                                                                                                                                Alcoholics Anonymous
                                                                                                                                Tel. 736 2952
                                                                                                                                Narcotics Anonymous
                                                                                                                                Tel. 583 8989
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
                                                                                                                                Tel. 583 5400
                                                                                                                                Centre for Diabetes
                                                                                                                                Tel. 524 8888
                                                                                                                                Child Abuse Prevention
                                                                                                                                Tel. 582 4433
                                                                                                                                Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
                                                                                                                                General Info
                                                                                                                                Phone Directory Tel. 118
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