P. 23

                                                                                                       SPORTS Saturday 6 OctOber 2018
            Circling around: Floyd Landis starting own cycling team

            By EDDIE PELLS               me, and a lot was justified.  whistleblower  lawsuit  that
             AP National Writer          A  lot  was  PR  from  people  triggered the case.
            Floyd Landis is using money  who didn't like the fact I ex-  Now 42, Landis runs a busi-
            he earned by taking down  posed (the doping). One of  ness in the Colorado moun-
            Lance Armstrong to start his  the  main  arguments  was,  tains,  Floyd's  of  Leadville,
            own cycling team.            'He  ran  out  of  money  and  that  specializes  in  marijua-
            The  man  whose  own  dop-   that's why he did it.' It was  na and hemp-based prod-
            ing saga cost him the 2006  never the case. But there's  ucts  that  are  designed  to
            Tour  de  France  title  and  no  way  to  disprove  that,  relieve chronic pain.
            eventually  helped  expose  and if people don't believe  His  company  will  spon-
            Armstrong's  cheating  says  me  now,  there's  nothing  I  sor  the  new  cycling  team,
            he's  building  a  develop-  can do about it."            which will take some riders
            mental  team  for  2019  that  Three  years  after  losing  from Silber Pro, a team out
            will be based out of Cana-   his  doping  case,  Landis  of  Canada  run  by  former
            da.                          provided  key  information  teammate Gord Fraser that
            He says this is his way of try-  about his own doping and  is shutting down at the end
            ing to rebuild trust inside a  that  of  Armstrong  and  his  of  this  year.  The  team  will
            cycling  community  that  U.S. Postal Service team, all  also open opportunities for
            has viewed him skeptically  of which led to Armstrong's  other  young  riders  whose
            since  he  lied  about  taking  lifetime ban.             teams were dismantled af-    In this July 30, 2010, file photo Floyd Landis sprints to the finish
            performance enhancers in  Landis  is  using  part  of  the  ter losing sponsors.       line after racing a 2.3-mile time trial section during the Tour of
            a much-publicized hearing  proceeds from Armstrong's  Landis  is  well  aware  his     the Catskills cycling race in Tannersville, N.Y.
            in 2007.                     lawsuit  settlement  with  the  detractors  will  shake  their                                     Associated Press
            "That's the main motivation  government  to  fund  the  head  at  his  attempt  to
            of the whole thing," Landis  team.  Landis  and  his  legal  get  back  into  the  cycling  he said. "I hope I can con-  it  go.  Most  people  in  cy-
            said  in  an  interview  with  team  split  around  $2.75  game. "I don't like ridicule,  vince  everyone  that  I'm  cling know that any support
            The Associated Press. "A lot  million  off  the  settlement  obviously, and sometimes it  contrite,  I'm  living  my  life,  they can get for the sport is
            of  things  were  said  about  because  he  brought  a  looks like I'm looking for it,"  and hopefully they can let  good and helpful. q

            NASCAR WAGERS                said.  "I'll  be  watching  the                                                        becoming  the  sixth  state
            Continued from Page 17       window  that  weekend.  I'll                                                           with sports betting
            Because  of  a  failed  sports  have  to  ask  if  people  are                                                      "I'm  not  sure  I'm  ready  to
            lottery  experiment  in  1976,  constantly betting through-                                                         bet  on  a  NASCAR  race,"
            Delaware  was  partially  ex-  out  the  race.  If  you  have                                                       team  owner Roger Penske
            empt from the 1992 federal  people  who  really  like  to                                                           said.
            ban  on  sports  gambling  gamble  and  want  to  get                                                               McGlynn said NASCAR has
            that  was  recently  struck  into a new form of it, may-                                                            been  "pretty  quiet.  I  don't
            down  by  the  Supreme  be  they'll  come  out  and                                                                 necessarily  know  how  to
            Court.  That  exemption  led  give  it  a  shot.  I  don't  think                                                   read that."
            to  broader  sports  betting  it's  a  bad  thing.  It's  a  cool                                                   "There's been no guidelines
            legislation  passed  in  2009,  little deal that they're allow-                                                     related  to  auto  racing,"
            and Delaware enacted an  ing in that state."                                                                        McGlynn  said.  "Right  now,
            NFL  parlay  wagering  sys-  Outside  the  casino,  bets    In this Sunday, Oct. 1, 2017 file photo, Kyle Busch competes   there  are  no  rules  that  I'm
                                                                      during the NASCAR Cup Series auto race at Dover International
            tem,  which  combined  to  can  be  placed  Saturday      Speedway in Dover, Del.                                   aware of about what com-
            give the state a head start  and Sunday at a station set                                           Associated Press  petitors can and can't do.
            in  offering  full-scale  sports  up  not  far  from  the  track's                                                  I think it would be smart for
            gambling.                    signature  Monster  monu-    that NASCAR wagering has  Tiger  Woods  for  the  sport,"  the competitors not to en-
            At Dover Downs and Dover  ment.                           raked  in  just  $60,000  since  McGlynn said.            gage in it. But I've not had
            International   Speedway,  "I  won't  be  making  a  visit  June 5 — less than 0.2 per-  NASCAR  driver  Brendan  any dialogue with NASCAR
            single-game  and  champi-    to that just because I don't  cent of the total $39.77 mil-  Gaughan  raised  eyebrows  along those lines."
            onship wagering on profes-   gamble," Blaney said.        lion  wagered  on  all  sports  in the sport when he placed  NASCAR  declined  com-
            sional  baseball,  football,  Johnson  can  extend  his  so far in the state.          a bet on himself in Las Ve-  ment  this  week  and  re-
            hockey, basketball, soccer,  own track record (11 wins)  "We  don't  anticipate  a  gas  to  win  the  2004  Day-   ferred to a statement from
            golf  and  auto  racing  are  with a victory on Sunday.   huge  movement  from  a  tona  500.  Gaughan  didn't  earlier this year that said it
            now  offered,  with  betting  "As far as the bets go, I've  revenue standpoint for the  get in any trouble, but the  will  "continue  to  monitor
            lines supplied by William Hill.  never paid attention to it,"  gaming  company,"  McG-  potential  for  thorny  situa-  what  the  (Supreme  Court)
            There  are  magazines  that  he said. "But if I can make  lynn said. "What we're hop-  tions  could  arise  without  a  ruling will mean for individu-
            tout  "Sports  Betting:  Vegas  somebody  some  money  ing  for  is,  just  the  ability  to  gambling  policy.  Signs  are  al states and our sport."
            Style" in hotel rooms.       this weekend, I hope I can."  broaden  the  field  of  wa-  posted  in  baseball  club-  NASCAR at some point will
            "They  can  do  it  all  here,"  Blaney  says  he  won't  bet  gering on sports to include  houses  and  most  sports  likely  partner  with  a  task
            McGlynn said.                on himself, but there are no  NASCAR  will  somehow  in-  locker rooms warning of the  force  to  monitor  integrity
            Ryan Blaney, who won last  rules  prohibiting  drivers  or  crease the interest in it."  severe  consequences  of  within  the  sport  and  per-
            week's  race  at  Charlotte  anyone  affiliated  with  the  McGlynn said sports betting  betting  on  sports.  NASCAR  haps  write  guidelines  for
            Motor  Speedway,  said  he  series  from  betting  on  the  won't  save  NASCAR  but  it  teams  could  make  their  the rulebook.
            wouldn't  tell  his  friends  to  race. Dover is counting on  could  be  part  of  the  cure  own   gambling   policies,  McGlynn said he's not sure
            bet on him to win Sunday's  fans to drop a few bucks on  for  a  sport  impacted  by  especially  as  more  states  he'll bet, but if he does, he's
            playoff race. At 20-1 to win  the race, though the sport  sagging  ratings,  dwindling  plan to legalize sports bet-  going with 2012 Dover win-
            at  Dover,  that's  probably  has not yet ignited bettors'  attendance  and  longtime  ting.  Pennsylvania,  one  of  ner Brad Keselowski.
            good advice.                 passions.                    sponsors  pulling  out  of  the  the  nation's  most  aggres-  "If  you  win,  remember
            "If  I  lose  them  money,  I'm  The  News  Journal  of  Wilm-  series.                sive  gambling  states,  ap-  where you got that tip," he
            going  to  feel  bad,"  he  ington  reported  this  week  "It doesn't replace having a  pears  weeks  away  from  said.q
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