P. 21

                                                                                                       SPORTS Saturday 6 OctOber 2018
            Brady reaches 500 TD passes in Patriots' 38-24 win

            By BARRY WILNER              have  really  worked  hard,"
             AP Pro Football Writer      he  said.  "A  quarterback
            FOXBOROUGH,  Mass.  (AP)  doesn't throw to himself.
            —  On  a  night  when  he  "These  are  all  great  team
            reached 500 career touch-    awards, pretty cool."
            down  passes,  Tom  Brady  The  five-time  NFL  cham-
            welcomed  back  a  buddy  pion  also  tied  Colts  kicker
            with one of his three scoring  Adam  Vinatieri,  a  former
            tosses  Thursday,  then  con-  teammate,  for  most  victo-
            nected  with  a  newcomer  ries with 226. Brady finished
            who could help him reach  34 for 44 for 341 yards.
            more milestones.             As everyone in Gillette Sta-
            Brady  also  sneaked  in  for  dium  except,  apparently,
            a  rushing  touchdown  and  the Colts knew, Brady start-
            the  New  England  Patriots  ed off with a pass to Edel-
            put  together  their  second  man,  who  was  wide  open
            straight  win  after  a  me-  for  9  yards.  That  drew  the
            diocre  start  to  the  season,  first  of  many  loud  cheers
            beating Indianapolis 38-24.  for  the  10th-year  veteran
            Brady's 500th went to Josh  receiver  in  his  first  game
            Gordon, recently acquired  since  the  2017  preseason,
            from  Cleveland,  where  he  when  he  tore  up  a  knee.
            basically  was  unavailable  Edelman  was  suspended
            through  NFL  suspensions  for the first four games this
            for all but five games over  year  for  violating  the  NFL's   New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady signals on the sideline during the first half of an NFL
            the past three seasons. But,  policy on performance en-   football game against the Indianapolis Colts, Thursday, Oct. 4, 2018, in Foxborough, Mass.
            as  he  often  does,  Brady  hancers.                                                                                           Associated Press
            spread  the  wealth,  hitting  "During  the  rehab  you  are
            running back James White  just  sitting  there  and  wait-  the  half  and  hit  workhorse  way," Luck said. "That's not  the Colts get back into it for
            10  times  for  77  yards,  and  ing  to  get  back  on  the  White for a 6-yard score to  taking anything away from  a short time.
            greeting the return of bud-  field," Edelman said. "It felt  lead 21-3.                New  England.    They  were  Looking  like  vintage  Luck,
            dy Julian Edelman by com-    great to be out there with  Under  pressure,  Andrew  the  better  team  today.   he  brought  his  team  80
            pleting  seven  for  57  yards  the guys."                Luck threw a poor pass that  Anybody  who  watched  it  yards,  including  a  pair  of
            to him.                      That  was  the  first  of  three  Patrick  Chung  intercepted  or  played  in  it  knows  it.    It  big  third-down  throws  to
            "We wanted to get him the  receptions  for  28  yards  for  at  midfield,  and  Stephen  was self-evident.          Ebron,  and  Eric  Swoope
            ball  and  he  made  some  Edelman  on  the  open-        Gostkowski  made  a  45-     "But we're going to have to  caught  a  13-yard  scoring
            great  plays,"  Brady  said  ing  75-yard  touchdown  yard  field  goal  for  a  24-3  learn how not to lose if we  pass to make it 24-17.
            about Edelman. "Just good  drive  Brady  capped  with  halftime lead.                  want  to  give  ourselves  a  That's  when  everyone  saw
            to have him out there. We  a 1-yard toss to Cordarrelle  Luck did extend his string of  chance to win."             vintage Brady as he hit the
            all  want  it  to  be  perfect  Patterson .               games  with  a  touchdown  After  Matthias  Farley's  in-  half-century  mark  for  TD
            when we go out and it was  From  there,  even  though  pass  by  hitting  Eric  Ebron  terception  of  a  pass  bob-  throws by connecting with
            great to have him out there  the Colts (1-4) had a drive  on a 14-yarder in the third  bled  by  Chris  Hogan,  Indy  newcomer  Gordon  for  34
            ... healthy and having fun."  deep into New England (3-   quarter.  Showing  a  strong  could  do  nothing.  Rookie  yards,  the  71st  player  to
            As  for  500  TD  passes,  third  2)  territory,  usually  reliable  arm all night — remember,  Jordan Wilkins had the ball  catch  a  touchdown  pass
            on  the  career  list  behind  Adam  Vinatieri  missed  a  Luck missed all of 2017 with  stripped from his hands by  from Brady, an NFL mark.
            Peyton Manning (539) and  38-yard field goal.             shoulder issues — he has a  Devin  McCourty  four  play-  "A  great  play  Josh  made
            Brett  Favre  (508),  Brady  Nothing was going right for  TD  throw    in  28  successive  ers later.               jumping  over  two  defend-
            called it a collective mark.  Indianapolis,   particularly  games, tops of any current  But a second pick of Brady  ers," Brady said. "It tells you
            "I  think  all  these  things  like  after  Brady  led  a  72-yard  quarterback.       that was not his fault — Rob  kind  of  the  confidence  I
            that,  milestones,  there  are  march to his sneak from the  "We're  not  going  to  win  Gronkowski  had  the  ball  have  in  him  in  a  short  pe-
            so many people that con-     1. Then he took the Patriots  consistently  until  we  learn  stolen  and  Najee  Goode  riod  of  time.  Obviously  he
            tribute, all the people that  68  yards  near  the  end  of  how to get out of our own  wound up with it — helped  has earned it."q

             Junior Seau's children settle with NFL over 2012 suicide

            By MARYCLAIRE DALE           to  $4  million  to  families  of  said. Seau was 43 when he  The  broader  settlement,  and  dementia.  The  claims
             Associated Press            men  like  Seau,  who  were  died six years ago.          which  covers  more  than  panel has approved more
            PHILADELPHIA  (AP)  —  The  found after their deaths to  "I'm  glad  that  it's  resolved  20,000  retired  players,  pro-  than $500 million in awards
            family  of  the  late  NFL  star  have  the  brain  deteriora-  for  them  now  so  they  can  vides up to $4 million for a  and  paid  out  about  $330
            Junior  Seau  has  settled  tion  chronic  traumatic  en-  move  on  with  their  lives,"  death  involving  CTE.  Pay-  million  to  date,  the  report
            its  wrongful  death  lawsuit  cephalopathy,  known  as  Strauss  said  Friday,  when  ments have been awarded  shows. Lawyers have com-
            against  the  NFL  over  the  CTE.                        notice  of  the  settlement  in  66  of  the  86  CTE  claims  plained that the process is
            popular  San  Diego  line-   The youngest of Seau's four  was  filed  in  federal  court  filed as of Oct. 1, according  moving  slowly,  especially
            backer's 2012 suicide.       children  recently  turned  in  Philadelphia,  where  the  to the latest report. Lawyers  for the dementia cases.
            The confidential settlement  18,  family  lawyer  Steven  NFL  concussion  cases  are  for the players expect pay-  The  players'  lawsuits  ac-
            comes after the family opt-  Strauss  said.  Seau's  older  being handled.             outs to top $1.4 billion over  cused the NFL of conceal-
            ed  out  of  the  NFL  concus-  children  include  a  daugh-  "It  took  a  long  time.  That  65 years for the six qualify-  ing known concussion risks.
            sion  settlement  covering  ter who works at ESPN and  was  frustrating,  but  it  was  ing  conditions,  which  also  The  first  tentative  agree-
            more  than  20,000  retired  a  son  who  plays  lacrosse  successfully  settled,  and  include   Alzheimer's   dis-  ment  in  the  case  was
            players. That plan pays up  at  Duke  University,  Strauss  that's good," Strauss said.  ease,  Parkinson's  disease  reached in 2013. q
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