P. 18

                 Saturday 6 OctOber 2018
             World Cup Diary:

             In this May 20, 2018, file photo, Las Vegas Aces forward A'ja
             Wilson (22) tries to get a rebound between Connecticut Sun
             forward Alyssa Thomas, left, and guard Courtney Williams dur-  The olympic rings are craned into position at the Obelisk, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Thursday,
             ing a WNBA basketball game, in Uncasville, Conn.         Oct. 4, 2018, two days ahead of the III Youth Olympic Games.
                                                    Associated Press
              World Cup Diary:                                        Players' union, rights activists

              Wilson talks winning  urge IOC to shelve charter

              gold at the World Cup                                   By GRAHAM DUNBAR             in the United States, Britain,  Olympic  swimming  cham-

                                                                      GENEVA  (AP)  —  A  coali-   Canada  and  Germany  in  pion and sports minister for
                                                                      tion of athletes, their global  asking  the  IOC  to  shelve  Zimbabwe.
                By A'JA WILSON                                        trade  union,  and  human  the proposal.                  Still,  the  SRA  activist  group
                 For The Associated Press                             rights activists want the IOC  "We are not convinced that  said in its letter to the IOC
                SAN CRISTOBAL DE LA LAGUNA, Spain (AP) — We           to  postpone  an  athlete  the athlete voice has been  the charter fell short of the
                did it! What a great feeling it was bringing home     charter due to be adopted  adequately  sought  out  ...  United    Nations   Guiding
                the gold and winning a World Cup championship.        next week.                   let  alone  fully  integrated,"  Principles  on  Business  and
                It was an incredible few weeks that I will never for-  The  Olympic  body's  Ath-  the  multi-nation  athlete  Human  Rights,  and  was
                get .                                                 letes'  Rights  and  Respon-  group said in an Oct. 2 let-  "likely to mischaracterize or
                I mean every game feels like it's a big time game,    sibilities  Declaration  is  set  ter to IOC president Thomas  ignore certain rights."
                but the gold medal game was huge. There was a         for  approval  at  a  meeting  Bach  published  on  Friday.  The  players'  union  also
                focus at shoot around that day and it carried over    in  Argentina  to  help  safe-  "This  is  not  a  process  that  compared  the  IOC  unfa-
                to the game. We got off to a great start and didn't   guard  athletes  from  issues  can be rushed to adoption  vorably  with  FIFA,  which
                look back.                                            including sexual and physi-  in less than a year."        has  made  "binding  policy
                I've played for USA Basketball before and it's al-    cal abuse, doping, and dis-  The  Sports  and  Rights  Alli-  commitments  to  human
                ways a powerful feeling. There's a sense of pride I   crimination.                 ance activist group, which  rights" and has an indepen-
                get when I have that USA across my chest. We are      However, the World Players  includes  Amnesty,  Human  dent advisory board.
                representing something much bigger than just us.      Association urged the Inter-  Rights  Watch  and  Trans-  Coventry spoke at the two-
                It's for our country. There isn't much like it.       national  Olympic  Commit-   parency International, also  day Olympism In Action fo-
                I  mean  don't  get  me  wrong.  When  we  won  a     tee on Friday to delay the  claimed the IOC promoted  rum, where she was joined
                national  championship  at  South  Carolina  a  few   project, claiming it failed to  the  project  without  head-  on  stage  by  British  former
                years ago, it was so emotional for me because of      properly consult athletes or  ing expert advice.          cyclist  David  Millar.  He
                the passing of my grandmother, who had meant          experts, and would "curtail  The  Olympic  project  was  served a two-year ban for
                so much to me. So that win will always have a very    fundamental  athlete  rights  steered by its in-house ath-  doping  before  joining  the
                special meaning for me.                               rather than protect them."   lete  commission  which  in-  World Anti-Doping Agency
                But this time, winning the World Cup and hearing      "The  IOC's  proposed  dec-  cludes IOC members elect-    athlete panel.
                the anthem play after they put that medal around      laration  does  not  come  ed by their fellow competi-    Millar questioned the "hun-
                your neck, wow. To be able to do it with coach        close  to  respecting  the  in-  tors  in  ballots  at  Summer  dreds  of  millions"  the  IOC
                (Dawn) Staley I'm super happy and proud of her.       ternationally   recognized  Games and Winter Games.       spends  on  its  Olympic
                It was so awesome to play for her again and we        human  rights  of  athletes,"  "This  is  one  of  those  proj-  Channel   broadcasting
                definitely had a lot of fun doing it.                 the union's executive direc-  ects  and  programs  that  project compared to a $16
                After the confetti fell and we celebrated a little    tor,  Brendan  Schwab,  said  are  coming  out  of  maybe  million  annual  contribution
                bit at the arena we went back to the hotel and it     in  a  statement  ,  adding  it  a more dark side in sport,"  to  WADA's  operating  bud-
                was one final moment for us to have fun in Tener-     "relegates  athlete  rights  Kirsty Coventry, who repre-  get.
                ife with our family and friends. Then it was an early   beneath  the  rules  of  sport  sents  athletes  on  the  IOC  "It's  up  to  the  IOC  to  lead
                long flight back to the U.S. to go home for a little   governing bodies, and fails  executive  board,  told  an  by  example  and  give  the
                bit, but there isn't too much time to celebrate.      to  give  the  victims  of  hu-  Olympic   conference   in  athletes  hope  that  they
                I'm heading to China shortly to play in that league   man rights abuse access to  Buenos Aires.                 are doing their best to help
                this winter. Also starting a foundation for kids with   an effective remedy."      "We all want sport to create  the athletes," Millar told the
                dyslexia  —  something  very  important  for  me.     The  union,  representing  change and to create op-       audience  of  international
                Oh  yeah,  there's  also  an  AAU  team  I'm  getting   85,000  athletes  in  more  portunities for athletes and  sports leaders. "And I'm not
                going.q                                               than  60  countries,  was  this is what we have come  sure if that's the case at the
                                                                      joined  by  athlete  groups  up with," said the two-time  moment."q
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