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14                                                 ADVERTENTIE                     Antilliaans Dagblad Dinsdag 16 oktober 2018



    Message from the Board
    of Managing Directors
                                                              Financial performance        Gratitude
    There is no ‘I’ in Team      a strait jacket requiring a leap forward to   Aqualectra reported a net profit of ANG 30.7   As James Allen once said, no duty is more
    The years behind us were characterized by   comply with the demand and requirements of   million in 2017. Most noteworthy developments   urgent than that of returning thanks. The BMD
    teamwork at its best. The new Aqualectra   all stakeholders.  influencing these results were the following:  of Aqualectra pauses to express its gratitude
    was being designed while the old was still   The Board of Managing Directors (‘BMD’)   •  Decrease in gross profit due to the definitive   to #TeamAqualectra. It takes a great team
    being upheld. Beside executing projects of   has come to this realization and has been   end of the recovery component in the tariff s,   and outstanding teamwork to turnaround a
    major magnitude and impact, our customers   transitioning the company since 2012, following   combined with an under coverage on the   company like Aqualectra.
    were served continuously, and the various   the path laid out in the strategic plan   tariff ’s fuel component mainly due to the   Looking back at the challenges we have
    needs of our stakeholders were also   “Refreshing Approach”, to comply with the   2-month lag when executing monthly tariff    overcome as a team, and at the results of this
    catered to. Various improvement projects   challenges in the utility sector in Curaçao.   adjustments;  teamwork that are substantiated by improved
    were finalized while other new ones were   This fiscal year marks the formal end of the   •  Increased personnel expenses due to one-  financial, operational and commercial
    launched.                    “Refreshing Approach” and a new strategic   time provisions to support the personnel   performance, we can only be grateful. We do
                                 direction is to be set in the coming months.  reduction plans through natural attrition;  however agree with John F. Kennedy when
    A refreshing approach                                     •  The reversal of the impairment which is   he said that we must never forget that the
    The year 2017 also marked the end of   Becoming a better company  considered the ultimate achievement to   highest appreciation is not to utter words but
    the 5-year strategic plan launched in 2012   We look back at this 5-years period with   conclude on a successful turnaround.    to live by them. With this gratefulness, we also
    called “Refreshing Approach”. Achieving   modest satisfaction. Various projects were   Without a stable financial performance as   pledge to uphold the successes reaped in the
    successes and overcoming the challenges that   executed, and major steps were taken   well as robust and achievable forward-  past. We pledge our continuous commitment
    Aqualectra faced during this period, was only   towards the right direction, yielding the   looking projections, such reversal could not   to the betterment of our community through
    possible with a strong and resilient team that   following highlighted results:  have been possible.  the excellency of Aqualectra. We will not let
    was made fit for the future.                                                           our guards down during the years to come
    This team, consisting of the various                                                   and we will not cease until Aqualectra has
    governance bodies of our company, all       2017     2012                              become ‘The Utility of the Future’. We can only
    employees, financial institutions, customers,                                          hope to continue to count on the commitment
    regulators, suppliers, unions, relevant   Average   ANG 0.5138  ANG 0.6710   23.4% reduction due to increased   and support of #TeamAqualectra.
    associations or organizations, the press and   Electricity tariff   per kWh  per kWh  eff iciency
    our community, is the basis of Aqualectra’s   Average Water  ANG 9.8955   ANG 10.30   3.9% reduction due to increased eff iciency
    modest success. None of the positive results   tariff   per m³  per m³                  On behalf of the Board of Managing
    achieved, can be attributed to solely a single   ANG 30.7   ANG -48.7   From steep losses to reasonable returns   Directors,
    individual or one single action.  Profit after tax  million   million   safeguarding Aqualectra’s financial
                                               (profit)  (loss)  viability
    The utility sector worldwide is under pressure
    to perform well, increase eff iciency, reduce   Fuel usage  127,122   202,417   Significantly less fuel usage, contributing
    emissions by implementing renewables and   metric tons  metric tons  to our environment
    to modernize both the operations and grid   Number of   608  734  126 less employees with same output
    whilst at the same time, the tariff s are under   employees  means increased eff iciency
    scrutiny of the policy makers and regulator.   Share of   The share of renewables in our production
    With today’s emerging technologies in the   renewables in   19.6%  7.6%  mix has more than doubled based on our   Darick P. Jonis
    utility sector, the operators are driven in   production mix  firm conviction that the future is green  Chief Executive Officer

    Notes to the Consolidated                                 Accounting policies          installations, including the costs of removal
                                                              Fixed & intangible assets    and eventual processing of the residuals.
    financial highlights                                      Construction in progress and plant and   Decommissioning costs are provided at the
                                                              equipment are stated at cost, net of   expected costs to settle the obligation and
    General                                                   accumulated depreciation and accumulated   are recognized as part of the cost of the
    The accounting policies adopted in the   position at the beginning of the preceding   impairment losses, if any. Depreciation is   respective asset.
    preparation of these Consolidated Financial   period when there is a retrospective   calculated on the straight-line basis over the
    Highlights of Integrated Utility Holding N.V.   application of an accounting policy, a   estimated useful lives, ranging from 3 to 50   Employee benefits provisions, except for
    and its subsidiaries, collectively referred   retrospective restatement, or a reclassification   years. Intangible assets consist of licenses   the provision for vacation leave, are based
    to as ‘the Group’, are set below. These   of items in financial statements.   acquired. Licenses have a finite useful life   on actuarial calculations. The independent
    explanatory notes are an extract of the   An additional statement of financial position   and are carried at cost less accumulated   and qualified actuary obtained sufficient
    detailed notes included in the complete set   as at 1 January 2016 is presented in these   amortization and accumulated impairment   information to perform the valuations.
    of the Consolidated Financial Statements   consolidated financial highlights due to   losses. Amortization is calculated using the
    and are a fair summary of those from   a change in accounting policy applied   straight-line method.   Financial liabilities
    which they have been derived.  retrospectively and due to the retrospective            All financial liabilities are recognized initially
                                 correction of errors.        Trade & other accounts receivables  at fair value and, in the case of loans and
    Basis of preparation                                      Receivables are non-derivative are non-  borrowings and payables, net of directly
    The consolidated financial statements of   Basis of consolidation  derivative financial assets with fixed or   attributable transaction costs.
    the Group, from which these Consolidated   Subsidiaries are all entities over which the   determinable payments that are not
    Financial Highlights have been derived, are   Group has the power to govern the financial   quoted in an active market . After initial   Revenue recognition
    prepared in accordance with the International   and operating policies. The following   measurement at fair value, such financial   Sales are recognized upon delivery of
    Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as issued   subsidiaries (all incorporated in Curaçao)   assets are subsequently measured at   products and customer acceptance, if any,
    by the International Accounting Standards   have been consolidated as at December 31,   amortized cost using eff ective interest rate   or on the performance of services.
    Board (IASB). The figures in this report are   2017 and 2016:  method, less impairment. The losses resulting
    presented in Netherlands Antillean guilders   • Aqualectra Production (KAE N.V.)  from impairment are recognized in the
    and all values are rounded to the nearest   •  Aqualectra Distribution (KODELA N.V.),   statement of income.
    thousand (ANG’000), except when otherwise   including its subsidiary General Engineering
    indicated.                    & Utility Services N.V. (GEUS);  Provisions
    The consolidated Financial Highlights provide   •  Aqualectra Multi Utility Company N.V.   The Group records a provision for
    comparative information in respect to the   (AMU N.V.), including its subsidiary   decommissioning costs of the Mundo Nobo
    previous period. In addition, the Group   Aqualectra Bottling Co. N.V.;  plant which consists of the costs for the   …ta invertí p’abo!
    presents an additional statement of financial   • KUMEPE N.V.  demolition of buildings, civil works and
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