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Antilliaans Dagblad Dinsdag 16 oktober 2018        ADVERTENTIE                                                     15

     POSITION                                                                      For the year ended   For the year ended
                           As at  As at Dec.   As at   (Amounts in ANG * 1,000)        Dec. 31, 2017  Dec. 31, 2016 *Restated
                          Dec. 31,   31, 2016  Jan. 1, 2016   CONTINUING OPERATIONS
     (Amounts in ANG * 1,000)  2017  *Restated  *Restated
                                                   Sales & other income                   482,990          479,398
                                                   Direct costs of production & sales     (183,308)        (147,476)
     Non-current assets
                                                   Gross profit                           299,682           331,922
     Fixed & intangible assets   634,567   561,390    565,607
     Other non-current assets   62,233   48,132    66,335   Personnel expenses             125,983          102,760
     Total non-current assets  696,800   609,522    631,942   Parts, repair & maintenance   73,475          63,963
     Current assets                                General & other expenses                57,240           57,773
     Inventories           26,650   27,267    21,315   Impairment reversal                (48,340)              -
     Trade & other accounts    86,882   90,405    89,577   Depreciation expenses           49,909           38,871
                                                   Total operating expenses               258,267          263,367
     Cash & cash equivalents   57,608   76,485    59,285
                                                   Interest expenses                        14,818          15,445
     Total current assets   171,140   194,157    170,177
                                                   Profit before income tax                26,597            53,110
     Total assets         867,940   803,679    802,119
                                                   Income tax                               4,084           (10,824)
                                                   PROFIT FOR THE YEAR                     30,680           42,286
     Shareholder’s equity
     Share capital       528,000   528,000    528,000   COMPREHENSIVE INCOME
     Share premium        55,000   55,000    55,000   Other comprehensive (loss)/income    (15,853)         26,270
     Accumulated losses  (269,440)  (284,267)   (352,823)  Total comprehensive income      14,828           68,555
     Total Shareholder’s equity  313,560   298,733    230,177   *  Certain amounts shown here do not correspond to the 2016 comsolidated
                                                   financial statements and reflect adjustments made.
     Non-current liabilities
                                                  Report of the Independent Auditor on
     Financial liabilities  220,623   233,585    260,778
     Customers' deposits   24,539   24,806    24,714
     Provisions            196,341   141,740    162,354  the Consolidated financial highlights
     Total non-current liabilities  441,503   400,131    447,846   To:  the Shareholder, the Board of   of our report on the audited   necessary to the carrying value of
                                                     Supervisory Directors and the   consolidated financial statements.  this investment, to the recognition
     Current liabilities
                                                     Board of Managing Directors                thereof at December 31, 2010 and
     Trade accounts payables   33,435   45,007    42,830   Integrated Utility Holding N.V.  The Audited   to the related disclosures. The
     Other liabilities     79,442   59,808    81,266                     Consolidated Financial   situation as described above is
                                                  Opinion                Statements and Our     still applicable to the year 2017
     Total current liabilities   112,877   104,815    124,096
                                                  The consolidated financial   Report Thereon   and therefore until a settlement is
     Total Shareholder’s    867,940   803,679       802,119   highlights, which comprise the   We expressed a qualified   reached between parties involved,
     equity and liabilities                       consolidated statement of   audit opinion on the audited   we are unable to determine
                                                  financial position as at December   consolidated financial statements   whether any adjustments were
     *  Certain amounts shown here do not correspond to the 2016 comsolidated   31, 2017, the consolidated   in our report dated July 6, 2018.   necessary to the carrying value
      financial statements and reflect adjustments made.
                                                  statement of comprehensive   The basis for our qualified audit   of the shareholder’s equity at
                                                  income for the year then ended,   opinion was that as per year end   December 31, 2017. Our qualified
                                                  and related notes, are derived   2010 there was an uncertainty   opinion states that, except for the
     Fixed & intangible assets                    from the audited consolidated   regarding the valuation of   eff ects of the described matter,
                              As at Dec.   As at Dec.   financial statements of Integrated   the investment in the equity   those consolidated financial
     (Amounts in ANG * 1,000)   31, 2017  31, 2016  Utility Holding N.V. (the Company)   accounted investee, Curaçao   statements give a true and fair
                                                  for the year ended December   Utility Company Holdings N.V.   view of the consolidated financial
     Land & buildings            62,397    84,206
                                                  31, 2017. We expressed a   (“CUC Holdings”). Based on the   position of Integrated Utility
     Plant & equipment          144,636    155,692
                                                  qualified audit opinion on those   assumptions and valuation model   Holding N.V. as at December
     Distribution network       298,660    261,897   consolidated financial statements   generally used by management   31, 2017, and of its consolidated
                                                  in our report dated July 6, 2018.    for determining the value of the   financial performance and its cash
     Major spare parts           2,234     3,322
                                                                         investment, management was of   flows for the year then ended in
     Other assets                4,375      785   In our opinion, the accompanying   the opinion that the current value   accordance with International
     Work in progress            74,690    40,661   consolidated financial highlights   of the investment at December   Financial Reporting Standards.
                                                  are a fair summary of the   31, 2010 was approximately ANG
     Intangible assets           47,575    14,827
                                                  audited consolidated financial   62.1 million. The advisor of the   Management’s
     Total Fixed & intangible assets   634,567    561,390   statements, on the basis described   Government on this matter has   Responsibility for the
                                                  in the Notes to the consolidated   valued the shares at approximately   Consolidated Financial
                                                  financial highlights. However, the   ANG 53.8 million based on their   Highlights
     Trade & other accounts receivables           consolidated financial highlights   advice to the Council of Minister.   Management is responsible for the
                             As at Dec.   As at Dec.   are misstated to the equivalent   In January 2011, the Shareholder   preparation of the consolidated
     (Amounts in ANG * 1,000)  31, 2017   31, 2016  extent as the audited consolidated   decided to transfer the shares   financial highlights on the basis
                                                  financial statements of Integrated   of CUC Holdings to a related   described in the Notes to the
     Trade accounts receivable   66,285    65,584
                                                  Utility Holding N.V. for the year   party for a nil consideration. As   consolidated financial highlights.
     Other receivables          20,597     24,821
                                                  ended December 31, 2017.  a consequence of this decision of
     Total Trade & other receivables   86,882    90,405                  the Shareholder per the afore-  Auditor’s Responsibility
                                                  Consolidated Financial   mentioned date management   Our responsibility is to express
                                                  Highlights             decided to impair the value of the   an opinion on whether the
     Provisions                                   The consolidated financial   participation in CUC Holdings to   consolidated financial highlights
                              As at Dec.   As at Dec.   highlights do not contain all   nil as per December 31, 2010.The   are a fair summary of the audited
     (Amounts in ANG * 1,000)   31, 2017  31, 2016  the disclosures required by   predecessor auditor was unable   consolidated financial statements
     Employee benefits          190,041    134,053   International Financial Reporting   to obtain suff icient appropriate   based on our procedures, which
                                                  Standards. Reading the   audit evidence whether the 2010   were conducted in accordance
     Decommissioning Mundo Nobo   6,300    7,687   consolidated financial highlights   recognized loss on this investment   with International Standard on
     Total Provisions           196,341    141,740   and the auditor’s report thereon,   position, was appropriate. This   Auditing (ISA) 810 (Revised),
                                                  therefore, is not a substitute for   may also have an impact on   Engagements to Report on
                                                  reading the audited consolidated   the disclosures in the 2010   Summary Financial Statements.
     Financial liabilities                        financial statements and the   consolidated financial statements
                              As at Dec.   As at Dec.   auditor’s report thereon. The   in accordance with all the relevant   Curaçao, September 25, 2018
     (Amounts in ANG * 1,000)   31, 2017  31, 2016  consolidated financial highlights   requirements of IAS 24, related
                                                  and the audited consolidated   party disclosures.   For Ernst & Young Accountants
     Corporate bonds            213,863    222,954
                                                  financial statements do not reflect
     Other loans                 6,760     10,631
                                                  the eff ects of events that occurred   Consequently, the predecessor   Signed by
     Total Financial liabilities   220,623    233,585   subsequent to the date   auditor was unable to determine   E.R. Statius van Eps
                                                                         whether any adjustments were
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