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a24     health
              Wednesday 6 February 2019

                                                                                             Throat’s Door

                                                            of libido, and weight gain, which is sometimes  son’s Syndrome. If you have low body temper-
                                                            uncontrollable.  In  fact,  an  insufficiently  nour-  ature and some of the symptoms listed above
                                                            ished thyroid might be a major cause of weight  you could have this condition.
                                                            problems,  especially  among  women,  in  the  In our clinic we see a lot of hypo or low func-
                                                            West today.                                     tioning thyroids. The first solution is to put our pa-
                                                            Research  indicates  that  up  to  10  percent  of  tients on their metabolic or blood type food list.
                                                            Westerners  have  a  thyroid  problem  that  has  Because of today’s diet, people will likely never
                                                            most likely gone unrecognized.  If you are expe-  experience  outstanding  thyroid  health,  unless
                                                            riencing any of the symptoms above your doc-    they  are  encouraged  to  change  their  eating
                                                            tor could send you to check your thyroid func-  habits.
                                                            tion through a blood test. Unfortunately, the test  Your thyroid can be nourished better with a diet
                                                            results  may  not  be  accurate.    This  is  because  that  includes the good fats (olive oil, pumpkin-
                                                            test “averages” do not show how all of us are  seed oil, real, unsalted butter, cod liver oil, and
                                                            unique.  Your individual thyroid hormone levels  egg yolks) and mineral-rich foods (dark green
                                                            are not like anyone else’s.                     leafy vegetables, sea salt and ocean veggies).
                                                            Thyroid tests will not give you an accurate in-  Supplements that help in building a strong thy-
                                                            dication  of  your  ideal  thyroid  hormone  level,  roid are kelp and selenium.
                                                            because  they  are  missing  a  critical  piece  of  Most  thyroid  patients  are  women  and  many
                                                            information  which  is  your  peak  thyroid  level  with low progesterone are often misdiagnosed
                                                            when you were young and healthy. Should your  as  thyroid  deficiency.  Thyroid  and  sex  hor-
                                                            thyroid test results indicate that you are in the  mones each affect the other.  We often attend
                                                            “normal”  range...say  5.5...but  when  you  were  women  with  bulging  eyes,  racing  heartbeat,
                                                            younger you would have tested at a 9, then in-  and a swollen neck by naturally stimulating their
                                                            deed, your thyroid is quite under active for you.  progesterone production.   Adding zinc to your
                                                            At 5.5 you may feel very tired yet your doctor  daily supplement routine is important for sexual
                                                            will tell you that your test results are “normal.”   health.
                 By: Dr.  Carlos Viana                      You can only truly compare you with you, and  Irregular periods, often leading to needless hys-
                                                            not a range of others. It would be ideal if we  terectomies, are unfortunate common aspects
            The word thyroid comes from the Greek “thura”  were  tested  when  we  were  in  our  late  teens  of hypothyroidism; and breast disease. Too little
            which means “door,” which is what the thyroid  and twenties and our peak levels were record-    thyroid  production  may  cause  increased  pro-
            looks like. Your thyroid gland is the largest en-  ed at the topmost physical time in our life. Then,  lactin levels and persistent estrogen stimulation.
            docrine gland and is situated in the front of the  as we age, we could test ourselves again to en-  Prolactin is the hormone that stimulates the pro-
            neck. Your thyroid gland secretes iodine- rich  sure that our hormone levels remain at this peak  duction of breast milk.  Levels rise normally dur-
            hormones  thyroxin  and  triiodothyronine  which  level.                                        ing pregnancy and breastfeeding.  Abnormal
            regulate  your  metabolism  rate;  but  its  effects  The second reason that the tests are often in-  changes  in  prolactin  production  can  slow  or
            are felt all over the body.                     accurate is because they only show what your  stop your menstruation and you may find that
                                                            thyroid hormone levels are on the day of test-  you are producing milk from your breasts when
            Thyroid glands that are not functioning optimal-  ing. Your thyroid is a “tricky” organ to both diag-  you are not pregnant.
            ly produce a myriad of symptoms.  Many peo-     nose and treat since its hormone levels fluctu-  Get The Point!  Your thyroid may not be working
            ple  experience  unexplained  cold  hands  and  ate all the time. What you eat each day has a  at its optimum if you are experiencing some of
            feet, low body temperature, sensitivity to cold,  tremendous and immediate impact on it, and  the symptoms mentioned above.  If the guard-
            a feeling of always being chilled, headaches,  how much hormone it secretes.                    ian  in  your  throat  isn’t  handling  the  job  any-
            insomnia, dry skin and hair, puffy eyes, hair loss,  A  third  reason  for  their  inaccuracy  is  that  the  more, maybe it’s time for a change of guard.
            brittle  nails,  joint  aches,  constipation,  mental  tests do not indicate if your thyroid hormone is  Take control of your health by opening the door
            dullness, fatigue, frequent infections, PMS symp-  actually  entering  your  cells.  Your  thyroid  may  to diet and lifestyle changes.   Don’t settle for
            toms, hoarse voice, ringing in the ears, dizziness,  be manufacturing plenty of hormone but your  “averages.”  We are all different; we offer spe-
            depression,  fluid  retention,  anxiety  and  panic  cells can become resistant to the hormone and  cialized hormone and other testing.  Let us pre-
            attacks, allergies, asthma, acne, skin hives, loss  not able to utilize it. This condition is called Wil-  pare a personal plan to fortify your health.q
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