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                                                                                                                           Wednesday 11 september 2019

            Just for the fun of it: Fun Seekers return

                                                                      About the ‘Fun Seekers’
                                                                      Buddy  and  Edyie  Rapone
                                                                      have  been  happily  mar-
                                                                      ried  for  40  years,  and  to-
                                                                      gether  they  have  orches-
                                                                      trated the highly successful
                                                                      Fun Seekers for the past 16
                                                                      years. The Fun Seekers offer
                                                                      various trips year round for
                                                                      seniors,  ranging  from  day
                                                                      long  bus  trips  around  the
                                                                      region to weeklong trips to
                                                                      different parts of the world.
                                                                      “Seekers”  only  need  to
                                                                      worry about getting them-
                                                                      selves to the pickup desti-
                                                                      nation;  Buddy  and  Edyie
              ORANJESTAD  —  For  11  consecutive  years  the  Fun    coordinate all the rest from   as  possible  with  as  many  spirit  even  as  we  age,”
              Seekers  have  been  seeking  fun  times  and  making   transportation, food to the   good  memories  as  pos-   says Eddyie Rapone
              memories in Aruba and have been loyal to the Re-        daily schedule.              sible.  We  hope  to  bring
              naissance Aruba Resort & Casino.                                                     people  back  to  a  joyful   For  more  information  on  this
                                                                      “Seniors still want fun, that   time. They can feel young   fun  group  check  out  https://
              The Fun Seekers is a big group of 50 people that has    never  stops.  You  only  get   and  adventurous  again.
              been visiting the Island since 2008. Each year, Buddy   one  life  and  you  should   I believe that’s the key to
              & Edyie Rapone members of the group, together with      make  it  as  spectacular    happiness, continuing that
              the Renaissance Team work together to make sure to
              make the stay a memorable one for the entire group
              of  seniors.  During  their  stay  the  group  loves  to  take
              tours and visit different tourist areas on the island such
              as Casibari Rock Formation, Natural Bridge, Bushiriba-
              na Gold Mine, the Aloe Factory, Baby Beach, Lourdes
              Grotto and many more places. The Fun seekers love
              the island very much and surely know how to have a
              fun time together. After all these years they have be-
              come more like family.

              The Renaissance Aruba Family would like to thank the
              Fun Seekers for always being so joyful and happy and
              are  very  appreciative  of  the  loyalty  shown  towards

              Honoring of loyal visitors at Costa Linda Beach Resort

              EAGLE  BEACH  —  Recently,  Kim-   guished visitors of Aruba, together
              berley  Richardson  of  the  Aruba  with  couple  Robert  and  Angela
              Tourism  Authority  had  the  great  Kampwart  and  Lisa  Piscopo  all
              pleasure  to  honor  Aruba’s  loyal  honored  as  goodwill  ambassa-
              and  friendly  visitors  as  Distin-  dors of Aruba.
              guished Visitors and Goodwill Am-
              bassadors of Aruba.                These  lovely  group  of  people
              The  Distinguished  Visitor  certifi-  stated  that  they  love  the  island
              cate is presented on behalf of the  very much, especially for its year-
              Minister of Tourism, as a token of  round sunny weather, nice sandy
              appreciation  to  the  guests  who  beaches,  beautiful  sunsets,  deli-
              visit  Aruba  10  years  and  more  cious variety of foods, safety, and
              consecutively.                     Aruba’s  warm  and  friendly  peo-
              The  Goodwill  Ambassador  cer-    ple.
              tificate is presented to guests who
              visit  Aruba  20  years  and  more  Ms. Richardson together with the
              consecutively.                     representatives of the Costa Linda
                                                 Beach  Resort  presented  the  cer-
              The  honorees  were  couple  John  tificates  to  the  honorees,  hand-  thanked them for choosing Aruba  nation  and  as  their  home-away-
              and  Eileen  Vernaleken  as  Distin-  ed  over  some  presents  and  also  as  their  favorite  vacation  desti-  from-home.q
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