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             Wednesday 11 september 2019
            Making the Difference

                                                                                                            Every year International Housekeeping Week is
                                                                                                            celebrated on the second week of September.
                                                                                                            Every year, we set aside one special week to
                                                                                                            honor the year-round heroes of housekeeping.
                                                                                                            It would be great when guest would pay that
            ORANJESTAD  –  What  a  difference  it  makes  housekeeping. They keep the house clean and  extra  attention  to  your  clean  room,  appreci-
            when  you  can  enjoy  a  clean  environment.  this is their week.                              ate the effort our island staff is making to cre-
            Organized,  hygienic,  smelling  fresh  and  look-                                              ate that smile on your face during your well-de-
            ing crispy clean. It can uplift your vacation the  With  tourism  being  the  major  economic  pillar  served vacation.  Maybe back home you need
            same as the opposite will ruin it. Checking in at  of this island, housekeepers play a central role.  to  make  your  bed  by  yourself  again  or  wash
            a hotel that has a chaotic, unfresh lobby and a  They are not to be underestimated and have  your towels, here they do it for you to make you
            room with marks on the carpet and walls, a bed  an important job cleaning the many rooms of  feel welcome and pampered.
            that  is  made  up  messy  and  a  bathroom  that  the different resorts in Aruba day in, day out. It
            smells  like  yesterday….  You  are  ready  to  run  is a dirty job, but somebody has got to do it, a  For  all  those  working  in  Housekeeping:  Aruba
            away and go back home. The central break-       phrase  of  a  well-known  movie  that  applies  to  Today  congratulates  you  and  wishes  you  a
            ing  point  between  these  two  opposites  is  the  this job too.                              wonderful week! q

            Quota International Neon Family Fun Walk

            ORANJESTAD — Quota International Aruba  emphasize the importance of taking care
            is a service club comprised of executive  and protecting of your hearing. The Shat-
            women who organize various activities in  ter Silence Week will take place from Sep-
            order to be of service to the Aruban com-  tember 9th till September 13th of 2019.
            munity.  They  concentrate  on  helping  the
            hearing and visually impaired and also the  Quota International Aruba will be closing
            women and children in distress.            off the Shatter Silence Week with a Neon
                                                       Family Fun walk. This will take place on Fri-
            One of their annual activities is the Shatter  day September 13th 2019 at the Goldmine
            Silence Week. This event has been held for  Ruins  at  Bushiribana.  The  events  starts  at
            31 consecutive years. It reflects on the big  7pm. The route will be Bushiribana to Natu-
            dark silence in which a person falls when  ral Bridge and back to Bushiribana. Every
            they lose their hearing. With the loss of their  one registered for the walk will receive a
            hearing  they  lose  total  communication  neon stick and refreshments. There will be
            with the outside world. Your hearing is what  an additional prize for the best decorated
            determines your senses and a good com-     shirt for this event.
            munication with others. One of the main
            goals of Quota International of Aruba, is to  For  more  information  visit  their  facebook
            bring awareness to our community and to  page Quota international Aruba. q
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