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Thursday 29 december 2016
CKI of University of Aruba celebrates the holiday season with 50 kids
`Dinner WithThe Kids’ is an This year 50 kids were invit-
event that Circle K Interna- ed to join the members of
tional of University of Aruba CKI at Occasions.
organizes every year. CKI of University of Aruba
The intent of this event is to would like to thank every-
let the kids have a special one that helped make this
day and enjoy the activities event possible. A special
the holiday season brings. thanks goes to: Kooyman,
The event is growing big- Crystal Casino, Divi Impact
ger every year and this is and Aruba Airport Author-
thanks to the help of the ity for their support for `Din-
community. ner With The Kids.’q