P. 12

                   Tuesday 21 augusT 2018

            Healthy Kids Camp’ organized by

            ‘Miss Aruba World 2018’

            was a complete success

                                                                                    a Purpose” Helder started by orga-  children were taught all kinds of as-
                                                                                    nizing a camp called “Healthy Kids  pect of health care and cultivation.
                                                                                    Camp”  with  the  main  purpose  to
                                                                                    educate  the  children  on  different  At the closing of the camp all the
                                                                                    important topics in order to make  kids did a presentation to their par-
                                                                                    them  aware  of  the  importance  ents  and  the  press  on  what  they
                                                                                    of  taking  care  of  their  health.  have  learned  during  the  whole
                                                                                                                        week.  Posters  were  made  by  the
                                                                                     A total of over 40 kids took part of  group  of  children  ages  6  to  11  in
            ORANJESTAD  —  Miss  Aruba  World  she will work towards it for Aruba.  this camp which was filled with lots  which they explain what they had
            2018  Nurianne  Arias  Helder  is  in                                   of  fun  activities.  The  activities  en-  learn.  Group  of  children  aged  12
            preparation for the Miss World Pag-  The  candidate  has  to  organize  a  closed nutrition and physical activ-  & 13 did a show about “bullying”
            eant.  The pageant will take place  social  project  which  benefits  her  ities by IBISA, Nutrition activities by  which refers to mental health. They
            during  the  month  of  November  country. In the case of Miss World  Pediasure  (Medicosmetics).  Yoga  also  presented  a  dance  show  to
            2018 in Sanya, China. The final night  Aruba  2018  Helder  chose  the  session  with  Mrs.  Carolien  Gaar-  inspire the public to be more posi-
            will be December 8 , 2018. A very  cause:  Health  benefits  for  every-  thuis, eye exams by Kok Optica and  tive  and  support  others.  Helder
            important aspect of the Miss World  one.  Helder  begs  for  everyone  to  a  tour  on  how  to  plant  fruits  and  managed to collect 15, 328 Florins
            Pageant is “Beauty with a Purpose”.  have the right of access to health  vegetables  by  Santa  Rosa.  They  which equals 8,758 dollars in order
            Which encloses that the participant  care but specially to our children.   also got some dance lessons and  to make the “Healthy kids Camp”
            has to choose a social cause that  As part of the project “Beauty with  Zumba  by  “Youth  in  action”.  The  project possible. q

            Word Wide IFBB Elite Amateur and Pro competition in Aruba

                                                                      driving  force  behind  this
                                                                      event  is  Giovanni  Arends.

                                                                      Arends  together  with  his
                                                                      team  have  ample  experi-
                                                                      ence  in  organizing  such
                                                                      international  events  but
                                                                      this is the first time they will
                                                                      be  organizing  a  profes-
                                                                      sional-level   tournament.
                                                                      There are already 30 coun-
                                                                      tries  registered,  with  each
                                                                      country  having  at  least  6
                                                                      athletes.  Some  of  the  reg-
                                                                      istered nations are Holland,
                                                                      USA,  Colombia,  Venezu-     Video  clips  of  Aruba have  land. With this tournament,
                                                                      ela,  Bahamas,  Trinidad,  El  been  circulating  around  Aruba and all that it has to
                                                                      Salvador, Argentina, Spain,  the  globe  in  194  coun-   offer on this beautiful island
                                                                      Chile,  Curacao,  Domini-    tries. It is projected that this  is being very well exposed
                                                                      can  Republic,  Brazil,  Po-  event will bring allot of visi-  through  these  promotions.
                                                                      land,  Angola,  Zimbabwe  tors to our island.
                                                                      and  of  course,  Aruba.                                  This  will  be  a  great  contri-
                                                                                                   They are expecting around  bution to the hotels, restau-
            ORANJESTAD  —  The  Inter-   tournament  is  being  ad-   Categories  for  this  event  200  to  300  visitors  from  rants,  and  the  economy
            national  Giovanni  Classic  vertised  by  all  the  media   are:  Men’s  Bodybuilding  amateur  to  professional  of  Aruba.  The  intention  is
            Fitness tournament will take  that  covers  the  activities   open class; Men’s Physique;  athletes  and  their  families,  to  continue  promoting  this
            place  on  August  25th  and  for IFBB International as one   Bikini  Fitness,  and  Well-  acquaintances  and  fans  event  so  in  the  future  we
            26 ,  2018  at  the  ballroom  of the most important tour-  ness just to mention a few.  alike  for  this  event  will  be  will  have  more  and  more
            of Aruba Marriott Hotel. The  naments  worldwide.  The                                 staying  in  hotels  on  the  is-  visitors to our island.q
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