P. 13

                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 21 augusT 2018

            An Angel in disguise

            ORANJESTAD — Meet Mr. Sean Whel-
            an a retired New York police Officer,
            but  also  a  little  girl’s  guardian  an-
            gel.  While  vacationing  on  our  island
            Whelan  became  a  hero  to  a  7  year
            old  Puerto  Rican  girl  who  suffered
            a  severe  accident  a  few  days  ago.

            Whelan  gave  it  utmost  by  providing
            first aid and CPR at the scene. His only
            goal  was  to  save  that  little  girls  life.
            Seeing that medical help was limited
            on  the  island  the  only  solution  was
            to take the girl either to Colombia or
            Puerto Rico. The parents begged for
            their little girl to be send to their home
            country but medical expenses espe-
            cially the Air Ambulance was very high.

            Without  hesitation  Whelan  helped
            charter  an  extremely  expensive  Air
            Ambulance  to  fly  her  to  the  closest
            American Level 1 trauma Center, lo-
            cated in Puerto Rico. He never left this
            little girls side, from the moment of the
            accident  until  he  handed  her  over
            into  the  hands  of  the  very  compe-
            tent medical staff in Puerto Rico. The
            people of Aruba were very moved by
            his action and are forever grateful to
            Whelan  for  such  a  wonderful  act  of
            kindness. q
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