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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 25 March 2019
            New Jersey lawmakers near vote

            on recreational cannabis

            By MIKE CATALINI             expungement  of  pending
            Associated Press             charges and prior marijua-
            TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — Law-    na-related convictions. Un-
            makers are poised to vote    der the proposal, New Jer-
            on making New Jersey the     sey would allow for the ex-
            11th state to legalize recre-  pungement  of  marijuana
            ational marijuana.           crimes for possession up to
            The    Democrat-led    As-   5  pounds.  Lawmakers  ac-
            sembly  and  Senate  have    knowledge it sounds like a
            scheduled  votes  for  Mon-  lot but say it’s necessary in
            day. The vote, whose out-    order to allow for an expe-
            come  remains  unclear,      dited  expungement  pro-
            comes  after  more  than  a   cess, since the statute cov-
            year  of  mostly  back-room   ering  possession  for  small
            wrangling since Democrat-    amounts of cannabis goes
            ic Gov. Phil Murphy came     up to 5 pounds.              In this Friday, March 22, 2019 photo, marijuana buds are locked
            into  office.  Murphy  cam-  The  measure  also  aims  to   on  display  at  Compassionate  Care  Foundation’s  medical
            paigned on legalization, in   incentivize women and mi-   marijuana dispensary in Egg Harbor Township, N.J.
            contrast with his predeces-  norities to participate in the                                        Associated Press
            sor, Republican Chris Chris-  legal marijuana market by  enacted,  but  it  would  be  TAX  COMPARE  TO  OTHER
            tie. New Jersey would join   requiring  30  percent  of  li-  longer  until  the  legal  mar-  STATES’?
            the  District  of  Columbia   censes go to these groups.  ketplace is set up.          Lawmakers  are  propos-
            and  10  other  states  with   The bill also calls for an in-  Medical  marijuana  facili-  ing the $42 per-ounce tax,
            legalized  recreational  use   vestigation  on  the  influ-  ties  would  be  cleared  to  with towns permitted to tax
            of the drug for adults if the   ence  of  cannabis  on  driv-  begin offering recreational  more,  up  to  3  percent  in
            vote succeeds.               ing  and  calls  for  funding  cannabis soon after the bill  the case of retailers.
            Murphy  supports  the  legis-  drug-recognition   experts  passes but are required to  Most states with recreation-
            lation and has been calling   for law enforcement.        keep  enough  product  to  al  marijuana  levy  an  ex-
            lawmakers  seeking  their    ___                          serve patients first.        cise  tax  as  a  percentage,
            support,  according  to  his   WHEN  COULD  YOU  START  It could be about six months  though  Alaska  also  levies
            office.                      USING       RECREATIONAL  retail  locations  open  since  a  per-ounce  tax,  which  is
            Despite  Democratic  con-    MARIJUANA?                   the   commission    would  set at $50, according to a
            trol  of  state  government,   The bill says that it would be  have to set guidelines.  survey  of  tax  rates  by  the
            the  issue  has  divided  leg-  legal  to  possess  up  to  an  ___                    conservative-leaning   Tax
            islators,  with  even  some   ounce as soon as the bill is  HOW  DOES  NEW  JERSEY’S  Foundation.q
            Democrats who supported
            the measure in committee
            saying  they  weren’t  com-
            mitted to a yes vote on the
            A  closer  look  at  the  New
            Jersey measure:
            WHAT’S IN THE BILL?
            The  measure  would  allow
            for  the  sale  and  personal
            use  of  up  to  an  ounce  of
            marijuana  for  people  21
            and over. The drug would
            be taxed at $42 an ounce,
            with  the  ability  for  towns
            that  host  growers,  proces-
            sors, wholesalers or retailers
            to  charge  an  additional
            tax  of  up  to  3  percent  in
            some cases.
            The  measure  calls  for  set-
            ting up a five-person can-
            nabis  regulatory  commis-
            sion,  which  would  set  the
            ground  rules  and  oversee
            marijuana  regulation  in
            New Jersey.
            The governor would name
            three  of  the  five  full-time
            members, who would serve
            for five-year terms. The As-
            sembly  speaker  and  Sen-
            ate president would name
            the other two members.
            The  proposal  also  calls  for
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