Page 19 - AHATA
P. 19
Monday 25 March 2019
After successful completion of 5 year employment agreement with AAA:
James Fazio is ready to prepare the next CEO for the company
ORANJESTAD – The Aruba not to stay another 5 years, ners and to provide the
Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) and based on personal best leadership possible
CEO Mr. James Fazio just reasons, I wish to be closer to the company: “I want
announced his personal to family and friends, and to emphasize that I thor-
decision to leave the posi- resume my career back in oughly enjoyed my time in
tion as CEO of AAA effec- New York. Royal Schiphol Aruba and am thankful to
tive at the end of his current Group has identified a can- the Government, partners,
employment agreement; didate as my successor, stakeholders, staff and ev-
which is August 31st, 2019. and in the next week or so, eryone who I worked close-
the new CEO will visit Aru- ly with in such a profes-
Mr. Fazio has served as ba and be introduced to sional and respectful way. I
AAA’s CEO for the past 5 the Shareholder, Supervi- feel honored to have been
years, and during that time, sory Board, and AAA staff.” trusted to lead Aruba’s na-
among other accomplish- This has been a carefully tional airport for the past
ments, has provided the planned transition, which 5 years and I will continue
leadership and guidance will allow for a 4 to 5 month to be 100% committed to
for the airport’s Gateway transition, and properly AAA during the rest of my
2030 expansion project. prepare the new CEO for time here; as we still have
Mr. Fazio commented on the upcoming construction several important project-
the timing of the decision: project and the leadership related milestones to cross
“The airport is transition- role of the airport. in the coming months.”
ing from the planning to During his 5 years at AAA, it AAA thanks Mr. Fazio for his
the construction phase of was a priority for Mr. Fazio efforts to further develop
the Gateway 2030 project, to ensure a good relation- the growing airport and
which required the difficult ship and open communi- wishes Mr. Fazio all the best
decision as to whether or cation with all airport part- in his next career goals. q