Page 26 - AHATA
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                                                                                                                           Thursday 5 sepTember 2019

            Happy Community Initiative meets generous family:

                              “We want to give back

                               to the places we visit”

                                                                                                   Some Facts
                                                                                                   Millions of people around the world love Aruba, the ONE
                                                                                                   HAPPY ISLAND and the home away from home. Tourism
                                                                                                   in Aruba is performing great. However, in Aruba, about
                                                                                                   6 of 10 youngsters between the ages of 12 and 18 are
                                                                                                   alone  or  without  adult  supervision  after  school  time.  In
                                                                                                   most  cases,  it  is  because  their  parents  are  working.  In
                                                                                                   addition to this, many of Aruba’s youngsters do not travel
                                                                                                   (often) and experience boredom from a lack of activities
                                                                                                   during school vacations. Furthermore, 4 out of 10 Aruban
                                                                                                   youngsters do not finish secondary school. This is a very
                                                                                                   big  issue  for  Aruba’s  future  economy  and  the  tourism
                                                                                                   industry.  A recent study found; At least 60% of Aruba’s
                                                                                                   youth is asking for afterschool programs, aiming at sports,
                                                                                                   cooking, art programs and a safe place to hang out with
                                                                                                   their friends. q

                                                                                                     Our Newest Column is All
               ORANJESTAD — Travelling is one of life’s biggest privileges. It is wonderful to be
               able to go to another place with your family and enjoy the change of environment      about YOUth and Happiness
               and  people.  The  Chatterjee  family  from  New  Jersey  seek  to  give  back  to  the
               places they go to, to help the local community and to educate their own children.     ORANJESTAD — Our newest column Happy Commu-
               “We read about the recently launched Happy Community Initiative (HCI) and their       nity Initiative is published bi-weekly on Thursdays in
               objective to raise $ 110K by next year’s month of June and there we found our         Aruba Today. We inform you about this dynamic, new
               goal”, says Ninna Chatterjee, mother of three children in the age of 7, 8 and 11.     projects  from  a  different  angle  to  give  you  a  com-
               Together with husband Rocco Chatterjee they provided three Aruban children with       plete feel, so follow us and stay engaged!
               school supplies.
                                                                                                     The Happy Community Initiative is a visitor charity pro-
               This  is  a  story  that  started  with  a  short  email.  To  reach  out  and  take  that  first   gram that you can help strengthen Aruba’s commu-
               step makes the difference. Ninna read about HCI and emailed them. With the            nity by donating to good causes. CEDE Aruba, a dy-
               assistance of Fundacion pa nos Communidad or Foundation for our Community             namic community foundation, the Aruba Timeshare
               the three Aruban students were invited to participate. From there the ball kept       Association (ATSA), the Aruba Tourism Authority and
               rolling until that beautiful moment in The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba where the family meet   several  companies  collaborate  in  this  platform  for
               the three Aruban children to hand over their gifts. Ninna:”We wish our children to    visitors who would like to make a donation, but also
               be aware of the communities we visit and that happened for sure. As soon as we        volunteer  in  the  future.  The  priority  is  set  to  support
               received the list with needed school supplies our kids insisted to pick out everything   projects  for  Aruban  youths.    CEDE  Aruba  will  make
               and it had to be at least as cool as their own stuff. They wrote little notes to them   sure that the donations reach meaningful projects of
               so  yes,  our  kids  took  very  much  part  in  this.”  During  the  interview  the  sound  of   local  non-profits,  based  upon  quality  and  transpar-
               the playing children in the background proofed that both sides were more than         ency of finances of the offered programs. In this man-
               happy, nothing seems more rewarding than that.                                        ner, you can be assured that your donation will reach

                                                                                                     its goal! With your donation, you support Aruban chil-
               Small Gesture, Big Impact                                                             dren with after school programs, mentorship activities
               Aruba’s Visitor Charity Program, the recently-launched Happy Community Initiative     and social support. You can donate at the kiosks in
               (HCI), is raising funds to roll out an after school program.  “The objective is to raise   the lobby of several hotels (Costa Linda, Playa Linda,
               $110K by June 1st, 2020 which can cater to 40 youngsters for one year where they      Paradise  Beach  Villas  and  La  Cabana)  or  you  can
               will receive homework guidance, opportunity to participate in sports, music lessons   donate  on  the  website:  https://happycommunitya-
               and art classes, meals and beverages, operations costs, guidance support and
               materials”, says Kimberly Mathilda, Coordinator of HCI. More about this particular
               program is to be found at page 16.                                                                                      Copyright CEDE Aruba
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