Page 2 - MIN ECEM 27 MAY 2017
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LOCAL Saturday 27 May 2017
Memorial Day Weekend:
17th Annual Soul Beach Music Festival Boasts Epic Performances
by Mary J. Blige, Usher & The Roots, Faith Evans and Stokley
ORANJESTAD - Ready, Set, nightclubs presented ex-
Let’s Go! The 17th Annual clusively by the 17th An-
Soul Beach Music Festival nual Soul Beach Music Fes-
hosted by Aruba delivers tival hosted by Aruba. The
the melodic soundtrack dance floor will be lit by
to paradise with a mega the golden touch of the
dose of star-studded en- some of the best to ever
tertainment including Mary do it including DJ Chubb
J. Blige, Usher & The Roots, Rock, DJ Frank Ski, DJ Jazzy
Faith Evans, Stokley, Zyon, Jeff, DJ Self, DJ E-Clazz, DJ
NBO and host Rudy Rush Outkast, DJ Diablo and DJ
all set to elevate the swell Phife spinning on the turn-
of festival goers’ taking in tables along with live music
the main stage concerts at provided by the one of At-
the Harbor Arena Memorial lanta’s hottest bands, Juke-
Day weekend. box.
Soul Beach Music Festival, Tickets for the SOUL BEACH
previously named #4 by MUSIC FESTIVAL 2017 are
USA Today readers’ choice available at: Café the
“10 Best Caribbean Cel- Plaza, Craft Coffee & Bar,
ebrations” and #1 “Carib- Dragon CD & Electronics,
bean Summer Festival” by DePalm Tours Concierge
Jetsetter Magazine, fea- tions, to seize the day and CEO of Aruba Tourism Au- Houston/iHeart Radio are Desks – At most of the major
tures a truly unique and enjoy the warmth of the thority. the au fait voices providing hotels, Hamaka Sidewalk
unforgettable three-in-one people. “We are thrilled to once an aerial view of the 17th Café, MooMba Beach,
experience featuring live “Aruba is honored to host again to partner with Aru- Annual Soul Beach Music Reflexions, Salt & Pepper,
music performances, com- such an exhilarating festi- ba as we kick-off this year’s Festival hosted by Aruba CITGO (*Select Locations
edy shows and day parties. val, and we are thrilled to festival featuring artist that thru the airwaves. only ,including Boulevard,
Crowning Memorial Day welcome musical icons in- have made tremendous Hold on to your beach Essoville, Santa Cruz & Palm
weekend with its breathtak- cluding Mary J. Blige, Usher achievements in the en- towels and gear up for the Beach), and Ponton Ser-
ing beauty, Aruba awak- and Faith Evans to our One tertainment industry, said heat wave with a lively vice Station – Ponton.
Executive Producer of Soul
Beach Festival Productions,
Mark Adkins. “We are espe-
cially excited as this years’
festival will attract the high-
est tourist turnout since Soul
Beach’s inception. Thou-
sands of tourists will travel
from across the US, the Ca-
ribbean and South Amer-
ica all to visit the beautiful
destination of Aruba, re-
unite with friends and cre-
ate a lifetime of memories.”
Bringing up-to-the-minute
ens the senses and beckon Happy Island in support of news from the festivities to scene of Soul Beach day *Venue Box Office Opens
visitors to experience the el- this multicultural celebra- the international listening parties gleaming in the ulti- Two Hours Before Show-
egant blend of culinary art- tion. We look forward to audience, on-air personali- mate sand box at MooMba time.
istry, world-class shopping showcasing such melodi- ties from the AM/PM Work- Beach featuring celebrity Join the Soul Beach Music
and inspiring landscapes. ous talent and dynamic load Show with Gee Mon- DJ’s cranking the tunes for Festival community: follow
Aruba’s multifaceted desti- cultural performance, of- ey – Laser 101, St. Maarten, your listening pleasure. Is- us on Twitter and Instagram
nation is equal parts thrilling fering memorable experi- Adai Lamar Morning Show land sunsets will meet bris- @SoulBeachMusic #SBMF17
and relaxing while offering ences for all our interna- Host – 102.3 KJLH, Los Ange- tling revelers’ game to turn and become a fan of the
a luxurious oasis guided by tional visitors to enjoy,” said les and afternoon Rush w/ up the volume and party- 2017 Soul Beach Music Fes-
the impeccable plethora Ronella Tjin Asjoe-Croes, Rudy Rush – 93.7 The Beat, hearty at the happening tival on www.Facebook.
of pursuits, for all genera- com/