Page 16 - 1976 State of the Plymouth Rotary Club
P. 16

Plymouth Rotary Club

                                          Officers By Years continued

                                 1963-1964                                              1971  -1972
                Robert  O.  Beyer  ................... Pres.           Edward  M.  Sawusch  . .. . ... ... . . .. . . Pres .
                Robert  D.  Maurer .............. Vice  Pres.          John  M.  Hoben . .. .... . ... . . . .. Vice  Pres .
                Arnold  D.  Johanson  ..... .... ...... .. Sec.        Dr.  Robert  A.  Petersen  ... . . . ... . .... Sec.
                Carl  Capl in  ............. ... . .. ... Treas.       Kai  Jabara  .......... . . . . . . . .. .. . . Treas.
                James  T aylor . . . .............. Exec.  Sec.        Harry  O.  Draper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Exec.  Sec.

                                 1964 -1965                                             1972 -1973
                Carl  Capl in  .... . ...... . ........ .. . Pres.     John  M.  Hoben .. . . . ................ Pres.
                Arnold  Johanson., ....... . ..... Vice  Pres.         Kai  Jabara  ................... Vice  Pres.
                Frank Al Ii son  . ... . . . ... . ..... . ..... Sec .   John  R.  Herb  ....... . ..... ... .. . .... Sec.
                Clifford  Tait  ............ .. ... .. .. Treas.       Dr.  Robert  A.  Petersen  . ........... Treas.
                James  Thornton  Exec. Sec.   (to  Jan.  1,  1965)     Harry  0.  Draper ...... . .... ... .  Exec.  Sec.
                Harry O.  Draper  Exec.  Sec. (from  Jan.  1,  1965)
                                                                                        1973 -1974
                                1965-1966                              Ka I Jabara  . ....... .......... .. .... Pres.
                Arnold  D.  Johanson  .. .............. Pres.          Dr.  Robert  A.  Petersen  ... . .... Vice  Pres.
                Frank Allison  ........... . .... Vice  Pres.          Robert  Stremi ch ............ ... . .. ... Sec.
                Dr.  Clifford  McClumpha  ......... ... . . Sec.       John  R.  Herb  . . .... . .............. Treas.
                Loren  Gou Id ... . . .... . . ....... ... . Treas.    Harry O.  Draper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Exec.  Sec.
                Harry Draper  ........ ..... . ... Exec . Sec.         Gordon  Shaw  ... ........... Financial  Sec .
                                1966-1967                                               1974-1975
                Frank Allison  ... . . ....... ....... .. Pres.         Robert A . Petersen             .. .. Pres.
                Loren  Gould .......... .... .... Vice  Pres.           Robert Stremich  .              . Vice Pres.
                Dr.  Wm.  B.  Covington ..... ..... ...... Sec.
                                                                       Thomas Notebaert                 .... Sec.
                Dr.  Clifford  McClumpha  .. ... . ...... Treas.
               Harry Draper  ............. .... Exec.  Sec.             Robert Sincock  .               .  .. Treas.
                                                                        Harry 0. Draper                 .Exec. Sec.
                                1967-1968                               Gordon Shaw  .               Financial Sec.
                Loren  Gou Id ........ .... ..... .. .... Pres.
               Dr. Clifford  McClumpha  ...... . .  Vice  Pres.                         1975-1976
               James  Thomas ........ .............. Sec.               Robert Strem ich                .  ... Pres.
               Dr . William Covington  ..... . ....... Treas.           Robert Sincock  ..              ; Vice Pres.
               Harry Draper  ... ... ........... Exec.  Sec.           Warren  Bradburn  .              .  ... Sec.
                                                                       Thomas Notebaert                 ... Treas.
               Dr.  Clifford  McClumpha  ............. Pres.            Harry Draper                  Exec. Treas.
               Dr.  Wi II iam  B. Covington .. . .... Vice  Pres.      Gordon Shaw  .                Financial Sec.
               Edward  M.  Sawusch  ................. Sec .
               James  P.  Thomas  ............ ..... Treas.                             1976-1977
               Harry O.  Draper . ........ . ..... Exec.  Sec.          Robert Sincock                  .... Pres.
                                                                       Thomas Notebaert                 . Vice Pres.
                                1969 -1970
               Dr. William  B.  Covington ............ Pres.           Carl  Lampton  . .               .  . .. Sec.
               James  P.  Thomas  ... .... .... .. Vice  Pres.         Warren  Bradburn                ... Treas.
               John  M.  Hoben .............. ...... .. Sec .          Harry 0. Draper                 .Exec. Sec.
               Edward  M.  Sawusc h  ........ . ...... Treas.          Gordon Shaw  .  .             Financial Sec.
               Harry O.  Draper .. . ............ Exec.  Sec .
               James  P.  Thomas  ......... . . .... ... Pres.
               Edward  M. Sawusch  ............ Vice  Pres.
               Kai  Jabara  ... .. . .. ...... . ......... . Sec.
               John  M.  Hoben .. .................. Treas.
               Harry  O.  Draper .... ... . ....... Exec.  Sec .
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