Page 18 - 1976 State of the Plymouth Rotary Club
P. 18

Not ebaert, Thomas G. '67  - Real  Estate Agency   Stout, Rev. Samuel  F.  '75 - Religion-Methodist
                  Orr, Milton '74 - Delicatessen                    Stremich,  Robert J. '62 - Restaurant
                  Palmer, Frank  '75 - Paving Cont ractor           Sutherland, Donald '49 - Senior Active (CPA)
                  Panse, Walter '51  - Senior Active  (Tool  Mfg.)   Sw iftney,  Henry  A . '76 - Paper Products
                  Petersen, Dr.  Robert '65 - Orthodont ist         Tait, Clifford W.  '45 - Senior Acti ve (Dry  Cleaning)
                  Richwine, Perry '50 - Seni_or Active  (Attorney at  Law )   Thomas, James  P.  '51  - Senior Active (Gas  Service)
                  Samsonow, Stanislaw '70 - Electrical Contractor   Thomas, John  E.  '68 - Law  Practice
                  Sawusch,  Edward '60 - Senior Active  (Coupling Mfg.)   Vachher, Dr. Prehlad  '70 - Psych iatrist
                  Schafer,  Lawrence  R.  '75 - Tool  & Die  Mfg.   Van  Hull, Paul  A.  '74 - Auto T ires- Retail
                  Schrader,  Edw in  A.  Jr.  '73 - Funeral  Di rector   Vo s, John  F.  111  '71  - Attor ney at  Law- Labor
                  Selle,  Jack W. '64 - Au to  Reta il              Walch  Dr.  Henry J.  '43 - Senior Active  (Religion Presbyterian)
                  Shaw, Charles Gordon '70 - Data  Processing Service  West Earl C. '46- Senior Active (Auto  Retail)
                  Sincock,  Robert  '53 - Senior Act ive I Real  Estate Ind.  &  Comm. )   Westover Dr. Charles  48  - Senior Act ive (General  Practice-Medical)
                  Smith, Myron  E. '69  - Security Brokerage        White, James  H.  '75  - Sav ings and  Loan
                  Smulsky,  Dr. Joseph  '73 - D Entistry            Williams, ArnoldtB. ·72  - Musica l Instruments-Retail
                  Somers,  James P. '73 - Food- Franchise           Wil loughby,  Robert '26  - Senior Active (Shoes-Retail)
                  Sparling,  Robert  '69  - Plastics Processing     Wo rkman, Thomas R.  '70 - Educati on- Elementary
                  Stevenson,  Robert D. '75 - Communicat ion  Equip. Mfg.   Zittel, John  '43 - Senior Active  (Catering)
                  Stingle,  Clarke H. '74 - Savings & Loan
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