Page 14 - Social Security - Day 1 To Today
P. 14

Here’s examples of how raising the Social Security wage cap 4 times
           faster than worker’s wages were going up has affected the Social
           Security retiree benefits of millions retired seniors.

           In 1970 the Social Security wage cap was $7,800; average annual
           wages were $9,350, or 20% greater than the Social Security wage                                      Wage - $9,350

           cap. Maintaining this wage/wage cap relationship meant maximum                                 Wage cap - $7,800
           Social Security benefits at retirement time.

           BY 1990 the wage cap had increased 7 fold to $51,300, while the                                Wage - $28,930

           average wages increased 3 fold to $28,930, resulting in significant                                     Wage cap - $51,300
           reductions in Social Security retiree benefits.

           BY 2010 the Social Security wage cap had increased to $106,800                                   Wage - $39,423

           annually while average wages were $39,423, further eroding Social                                           Wage cap - $106,800
           Security retiree benefits. THEIR RECIPE WAS WORKING

           FOR 2019 the Social Security wage cap is $132,800 vs. average

           wages of $48,650 or only 38% of the Social Security wage cap. 2019
           maximum Social Security retiree monthly benefit is $2,861 at full

           retirement age. It’s no wonder senior retirees are making tough                                    Wage – $48,650
           choices between medication and food?                                                                                   Wage cap – $132,800

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