Page 20 - 2018 ILP Catalog
P. 20

Sealing Mats & Films

              DPMATR-9-PRT                 DPMATS-9-PRT            DPMATR-9-N-CR             DPMATS-9-N-CR

              DPMATR-750-PRT               DPMATS-3-PRT            DPMATR-9I-N-CR            DPMATS-3-N-CR

              DPMATR-500-PRT               DPMATS-4-N              DPMATR-65-N-CR            DPMATS-4-CR

              Silicone mats, for storage, assay, and separation plates                                                                                                 Silicone mats, for PCR plates

              Printed mats and coated (chemically resistant) mats for plates

               Part No.       Description                   Packaging

               DPMATR-9-PRT   96 round mat (8.5mm), printed  50; 10/bag, 5 bags/cs
               DPMATR-750-PRT  96 round mat (7.5mm), printed  50; 10/bag, 5 bags/cs  Compression  molded  96-round  plug,
               DPMATR-500-PRT  96 round mat (6.5mm), printed  50; 10/bag, 5 bags/cs  silicone sealing mats for storage plates
                                                                                    and micro-plates minimize sample evap-
               DPMATS-9-PRT   96 square mat, printed        50; 10/bag, 5 bags/cs   oration in a wide range of temperatures
                                                                                    in incubation and storage applications;
                                                                                    especially for storage  at higher tem-
               DPMATS-3-PRT   384 square mat, printed       50; 10/bag, 5 bags/cs
                                                                                    peratures  or  for  applications  involving
                                                                                    aggressive solvents.
               DPMATS-4-N     48 square mat                 50; 10/bag, 5 bags/cs
                                                                                    These  seals  pair  well  with  automation
               DPMATR-9-N-CR  96 round well (8.5mm), coated  50; 10/bag, 5 bags/cs  as-well-as manual laboratory protocols.
               DPMATR-9I-N-CR  96 round well (7.5mm), coated  50; 10/bag, 5 bags/cs  Often used in high-throughput applica-
               DPMATR-65-N-CR  96 round well (6.5mm), coated  50; 10/bag, 5 bags/cs  tions  or  those  involving  accessing  the
                                                                                    sample through the cover multiple time.
               DPMATS-9-N-CR  96 square well, coated        50; 10/bag, 5 bags/cs   Well perforations resist coring and tear-
                                                                                    ing and will seal themselves, after pen-
                                                                                    etration, ensuring an airtight closure to
               DPMATS-3-N-CR  384 square well, coated       50; 10/bag, 5 bags/cs
                                                                                    the well.
               DPMATS-4-CR    48 square mat, coated         50; 10/bag, 5 bags/cs   Our chemically resistant mats are  coat-
                                                                                    ed with PTFE and are reusable.
               PCMATR-9-PRT   96 round mat (PCR), printed   50; 10/bag, 5 bags/cs
               PCMATR-9-N     96 round mat (PCR), non-printed  50; 10/bag, 5 bags/cs  Made of research-grade silicone, con-
                                                                                    taining no adhesives or extractables to
                                                                                    contaminate samples.  All mats can be
               PCMATR-3-PRT   384 round mat (PCR), printed  50; 10/bag, 5 bags/cs
                                                                                    autoclaved, and following a 10% bleach
                                                                                    wash and ethanol rinse protocol may be
               PCSEPTA-9-N    96 septa mat, (ABI 3100, 3130)  50; 10/bag, 5 bags/cs  reused.  Certified to be free of RNase,
               PCSEPTA-16-N   16 septa mat, (ABI 3100, 3130)  20; 10/bag, 2 bags/cs  DNase, and Pyrogen contamination.

    20         PCSEPTA-B-N    Septa plug cap, individual    2500; 500/bag, 5 bags/cs
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