Page 31 - 101 SEL Activities
P. 31

3 Grit Up
Activities targeted to help your child develop resiliency and learn how to manage adversity.
Delay Your Interventions (all ages) Time: 2-5 minutes
Purpose: To develop grit and learn that they are capable. This helps your child learn to problem solve and persevere. This also increases their frustration tolerance.
Instructions: When your child asks for your help or asks for your advice, slow down your response. Sometimes swooping in is necessary, but not always. When we swoop we inadvertently send the message that our child is not capable and NEEDS assistance. Instead, slow down your response and see what happens. Ask them what they would do to solve the problem. Afterwards, point out your child’s strengths and help them realize how capable they can be!
Talk About Your Difficult Moments (all ages) Time: 2-5minutes
Purpose: To help model and develop grit. Help your child learn how you keep going and use your Grit Up!
Instructions: Share a difficult moment you had and how you got through it. Do this in the moment or after the fact. Make sure you point out when your child is using grit (even if/when it didn’t get the results they hoped for). Have your child tell you about a time they used grit or noticed someone else using grit.
When reading a book or watching a show, point out when the characters are using grit. Talk about times you felt like giving up and how you kept going!
Effort vs. Results (all ages)
Time: 1-3minutes
Purpose: This helps your child recognize their efforts and ability to develop grit. This also helps develop helpful self-talk and inner pride.
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