Page 101 - John Fawkner College SIPP Flipbook V3
P. 101
HPE/Science Year 10
Session 5: Session 6: Session 7:
Muscular system Muscular system Muscular system
Learning intentions: Learning intentions: Learning intentions:
To identify & understand functions of the muscular • To review our knowledge of the musculoskeletal system To identify and understand the different muscle fbre
system & the types of muscles within it. • To defne & explain reciprocal inhibition types and muscle contractions
Key Vocabulary: Key Vocabulary: Key Vocabulary:
Muscular, function, movement, posture, bodily func- Reciprocal inhibition, agonist, antagonist Structure, muscle, fbre, fast twitch, slow twitch, contrac-
tions, skeletal, smooth, cardiac tion, isotonic, isometric, concentric, eccentric, hypertro-
phy, atrophy
Focus Question: Focus Question: Focus Question:
What muscles do you know in the human body? Explain reciprocal inhibition and give an example. What is the difference between an isotonic and an iso-
metric contraction?
Starter: Starter:
Skeletal system review – what did we learn? Musculoskeletal system POST TEST Starter:
Review previous lesson
Main activity Main activity
• Functions of the muscular system • Class discussion – answers to POST TEST Main activity
• Types of muscle • Review previous lesson • Structure of skeletal muscles
• Group activity – list as many muscles in the human • Reciprocal inhibition • Types of muscle fbres
body as you can • GO-GO-STOP – bones & muscles • Muscles in action worksheet
• Muscular systems worksheet • Types of muscle contractions
• Computer activity – anatomy arcade (poke a mus- Example • Practical activity – muscle contractions
cle) N/A • Exercise & skeletal muscles
Example Strategies to teach ‘below level’ students Example
Muscular system worksheet N/A • Muscles in action worksheet
• Muscle contractions worksheet
Strategies to teach ‘above level’ students: Strategies to teach ‘above level’ students
N/A N/A Strategies to teach ‘below level’ students
Resources: Resources
N/A N/A Strategies to teach ‘above level’ students
Success Criteria: Success Criteria
N/A N/A Resources
Success Criteria
Table of Contents