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Increases Business Efficiency and Productivity

                                                Using Albridge Wealth Reporting financial institutions and financial advisors
                                                can increase their productivity and deliver better service to their clients by
                                                spending less time managing client data and more time building relationships.

     SAMPLE CLIENT REPORTS                       •  Ease-of-use of Albridge Wealth    “If I had to jump out of an airplane
                                                   Reporting results in time savings   into a strange city and set up a
     Accrual Detail                                for financial advisors—prepare   business from scratch, Albridge would
     Asset Allocation by Asset Type                monthly, quarterly and annual   be second on my list of necessities
     Asset Allocation by Investment Objective      portfolio performance reports with   right behind the parachute.  Over the
     Benchmark by Asset Class                      the click of a mouse button    years Albridge has become vital to
                                                                                  me, my administrative staff, and my
     Cash Flow Projections
                                                 •  Speed to market for implementing         clients.  There is no doubt that it helps
     Compliance Disclosure                         a proven portfolio management    to build business, but it is also an
     Comparative Holdings by Classification        system with a low cost of ownership administrative cost savings device.”
     Comparative Holdings by Investor
                                                 •  Improve service to investors by
     Comparative Holdings by Net Worth                                                    -Robert Toy McLaughlin, CFP
                                                   supporting broader, more holistic
     Fixed Income by Maturity                                                             Inverness Asset Management
                                                   financial planning with a complete               Investors Capital
     Gain/Loss by Investor
                                                   view of all of their assets
     Historical Performance of Current
     Historical Performance by Investor         System Integration With Your Essential Business Technologies
     Holdings by Classification
     Holdings by Investor                       Albridge has contracted with leading third-party outsourcing firms in the
     Holdings by Net Worth                      financial services industry to provide you with single sign-on access that
                                                integrates your client account data into your essential business technologies.
     Holdings by Portfolio
                                                The Albridge Virtual Network provides Albridge users with the framework to
     Major Indices Performance
                                                facilitate data integration and application connectivity between Albirdge and
     Managed Account Summary by Asset
                                                partner applications. This enables users to maximize the use of their client
                                                account data to increase efficiency and integrate critical technologies and
     Managed Account Summary                    outsourcing components.
     Managed Account Performance
     Summary                                    Measurable Growth – A Proven Return on Investment
     Model Portfolio Rebalance
     Multi-Period Performance                    •  Albridge users outperformed non-users in every meaningful growth and
                                                   profitability measurement: from assets to clients to accounts. An analysis
     Portfolio by Asset Class
                                                   of financial professionals from over 140 financial institutions and RIA firms
     Portfolio Detail
                                                   employing Albridge Wealth Reporting demonstrated that:*
     Portfolio Detail with Transactions
     Portfolio Snapshot                          •  Albridge users grew assets by 75% more than non-users through both
     Portfolio Summary                             existing clients and the acquisition of new clients
     Portfolio Value and Benchmark
                                                 •  Albridge users acquired 123% more clients than non-users by growing their
     Tax Lot Gain/Loss by Investor
                                                   book of business by more than double the rate of non-users
     Tax Lot Realized Gain/Loss by Investor
     Tax Lot Unrealized Gain/Loss by             •  Albridge users grew the number of accounts they manage by 100% more
                                                   than non-users, including the opening of new accounts for new and
                                                   existing clients
     Transactions by Investor
     Transactions by Portfolio
                                                For More Information
     Yield by Investor
     Yield by Portfolio                         Albridge Solutions

                                                *Based on an analysis of financial professionals from over 140 financial institutions and RIA firms employing
                                                Albridge Wealth Reporting
                                                ©2010, Albridge Solutions. All rights reserved. Albridge Solutions is an affiliate of Pershing LLC. Pershing LLC
         1009 Lenox Drive, Building 4, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648  is a subsidiary of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation. Member FINRA, NYSE, SIPC. Trademark(s)
                      belong to their respective owners. For professional use only. Not for public distribution.
              Albridge Solutions. Albridge is an aliate
              of Pershing LLC, a BNY Mellon company.
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