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Crown Heritage
Adviser Advantage Asset Management
Crown Heritage Adviser Advantage is a state of the art, fee based platform leveraging
the power of Crown Capital Securities, National Financial Services (NFS) and
Envestnet Asset Management, to provide you with a turn-key money management
wrap platform.
Crown Heritage Adviser Advantage offers:
Industry Leading Proposal Generation allows you to:
• Analyze an existing portfolio
• Assess a client’s suitability with a risk tolerance
• Develop a new investment strategy
• Compile the data into a professional sales
presentation tool
The control and flexibility you want to manage and
report on your clients’ portfolios, including:
• Fee billing (Advisors are paid in advance on a
quarterly basis)
• Ability to build and maintain custom model
• Quarterly performance reporting
• Automatic system rebalancing
• The ability to link managed and brokerage
accounts for a consolidated statement
• Online access to view client accounts through
the NFS Streetscape workstation
A wide variety of managed account options including:
• Heritage Adviser Model Management
• Heritage Wrap Strategist Program
• Separately Managed Portfolios
• Unified Managed Accounts
Crown Capital Securities, L.P.
725 Town & Country Rd., Suite 530, Orange, CA 92868
(714) 547-9481 * (714) 547-9735 Fax *