Page 59 - Toolkit
P. 59
Table 1: Comparison of Four Types of Placemaking The Problem
Standard Placemaking
Communities are not effectively us- ing public spaces to create vital, vi- brant and livable communities where people want to live, work, play, learn and visit.
The Solution
The Payoffs
Broad public and stakeholder en- gagement in revitalizing, reusing, and creating public spaces using short- and longterm techniques rooted in social engagement and new urbanist design principles.
More quality places with quality ac- tivities and a strong sense of place. More vital, vibrant and livable public spaces, communities and regions that residents, businesses and visi- tors care deeply about.
Strategic Placemaking
Revitalization that increases hous- ing and transportation choices, and urban amenities to attract talented workers.
Faster gains in livability, population, diversity, jobs, income and educa- tional attainment, than by standard placemaking.
Communities are not competitive in attracting and retaining talented workers.
Creative Placemaking
American cities, suburbs
Revitalization by creative
Gains in livability, diversity, jobs
and small towns confront
initiatives that animate
and income. Innovative
structural changes and
places and spark
products and services for the
residential uprooting.
economic development.
cultural industries.
•What time landmarks must be considered; e.g. grant deadlines, major cultural holidays, city processes, existing community events?
•What complimenting or conflicting activities should be marked on the calendar? •Are there times of day and days of week barriers to inclusivity?
•What seasonal factors must be considered, e.g. weather, summer vacations,
graduation season.
•What time constraints are presented by technological platforms, research projects
or fiscal year/tax filing dates?
•What tools are most useful and efficient for setting and communicating dates?