Page 8 - The story of Solomon
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world and he would have someone to share that experience with. He felt happy and scared.
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
A couple of hours later Solomon met his new baby sister. Aurora King. Aurora had blond
hair like daddy but curly like his and mommy. She had green eyes like him too. Neither his dad
nor mom had green eyes, but he was happy he had someone like him now. She was quiet and
squishy. Solomon thought of all the fun things he could do with his little sister and all the things
he could show her. I thought if how he could teach her things like walking and how to draw and
how to swim, although he did not know how to swim yet. He was a big brother now and he
would protect his little sister forever.
When Aurora came home, she was quiet and slept a lot. Nothing happened like Solomon
thought it would. He couldn’t play with Aurora like he thought. He got to help with holding her
sometimes, changing her pamper or feeding her. It was nice to be helpful but not fun like
Solomon thought it would be. Solomon played mostly with the new kids in his new kingdom.