Page 9 - The story of Solomon
P. 9

They all looked very different from him with different families, but they all loved to play and
               experience new adventures with each other. Solomon even learn to enjoy his new school with his
               friends. It’s a school where differences are celebrated and encouraged while learning.

                         This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

                       Solomon’s school was very different from his previous school. Most of the kids at his old
               school looked like his daddy but at his new school, everybody looked different. Every dressed
               different and some even spoke different. Even the teachers were all different but all nice.
               Solomon’s teacher name was Mr. Albert and he was a tall man with long black hair in a bun
               usually. He looked like a football player but softer; if that makes sense. The school lesson itself
               was even different. In class, instead of a morning warm up assignment, the students had
               meditation time where everybody was quiet, and the lights were turned down low. We were
               asked “What do we want to achieve today?” and then given time to think about it. There was a
               class where they talked about food and where it came from and how it effects the body. It
               sounded a lot like his mom’s job as a dietitian. Solomon thought it would be cool to be a dietitian
               when he grew up. During recess, kids played Red Rover where the teams had to work together to
               keep the other team member from breaking their chain. It was fun and Solomon made a lot of
               new friends on both teams. Most of the games played were always about working together as a
               team or working with a friend. Solomon enjoyed his new school and making new friends. He
               even picked up new words from in a different language. He learned, Hola, Adios and amigo from
               Christian and Christopher and Mr. Albert. Everyday Solomon came home with a new story for
               his parents. He didn’t even receive homework assignments. His homework was to use the lessons
               of the day in everyday life. Solomon loved his new school and couldn’t wait to walk to it every
               morning with his new friends.
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