Page 26 - Bullion World Issue 9 January 2022
P. 26
Bullion World | Issue 09 | January 2022
markets, taking advantage of trend changes in a particular metal client vaulting portal which allows
reducing portfolio risk through and we attempt to leave as late as them to have a thorough overview
rebalancing is very clear. possible from an appreciating metal of their holdings (right down to
or metals through self-generating individual bar / serial numbers) at
Precious metals, including Gold, trailing stop-loss variables. all times from their smartphone.
Silver, Platinum, Palladium Whilst Auctus Metal Portfolios has
and Rhodium, have grown in What audited returns have your a minimum investment requirement
prominence in recent years, clients seen since you began of S$250,000 (US$185,000) and
as viable and safe investment offering Auctus Metal Portfolios is headquartered in Singapore,
alternatives to include in one's to your clients in January 2016? the vast majority of our clients are
overall asset portfolio. We are also Clients who have invested with us domiciled overseas; with clients
always considering the liquidity since 2016 have enjoyed a very spread across all continents from
of each precious metal along with comfortable ride indeed, seeing India to the US, Australia to Europe
the broader analysis that we apply. returns of 850% as of today. Whilst and everything in between. We
This is particularly true when you precious metals have very much appeal to both high net worth
consider global Central Banks have underperformed the markets individuals, financial institutions
been net buying Gold in record over the last 15 months, this is and wealth management who are
numbers every year since 2010 quite normal when examining looking to generate that alpha
into 2021; again this is done as historical cycles and price analysis return over and above a static
a diversification tool for Central charts. Precious metals have holding of Gold or Silver.
Bank's very own asset portfolio. been technically price back-filling
Careful asset allocation seeks and building a solid foundation
to increase risk-adjusted returns while at the same time the overall
through diversification, based on macroeconomic and fundamental
the principle that different assets story for metals has grown ever
perform differently under varying stronger.
market and economic conditions. Mr David started off as a
For several decades, investors have Tell us about your bespoke computer programmer but was
achieved this balance, through vaulting solution and the type of offered the opportunity to join
traditional asset classes, such as clients Auctus Metal Portfolios the trading desk at Rothschild’s
stocks, bonds, property and cash. attracts? in London in the mid 80’s and
I would suggest that precious When I was setting up the structure was thoroughly captivated.
metals are very much about to have of our client's vaulting solution for Having spent over 20 years with
their 'day in the sun' so to speak Auctus Metal Portfolios, I wanted to a number of investment banks
including Swiss Bank, HSBC and
and these other asset classes are absolutely ensure that our clients NationsBank who took over Bank
clearly very overvalued. would have zero third party liability of America, David has worked
or counterparty risk. To achieve all over the globe and achieved
Truly a perfect storm and a this, we decided not to go with the success initially as a chief dealer
diversification opportunity usual sub-accounts or custodial and then later as the head of the
extraordinaire. accounts which are typically proprietary risk trading desks.
exposed to counterparty risk, but
When thinking about a metals rather offer our clients a 3rd party Mr. David is a founding partner
portfolio, it is important to vaulting solution with Malca-Amit at of Auctus Metal Portfolios
understand that precious metals Le Freeport Singapore. in 2016, a physical precious
move in amplitudes of value against metal management system
each other in clearly defined ranges All of our client's vaults are wholly that balances clients’ vaulted
over differing economic periods segregated under their family name metal holdings at Le Freeport
Singapore between Gold,
or cycles. Each metal has its own and fully allocated with metals at Silver, Platinum, Palladium and
unique, determinable pricing all times. The client's holdings are Rhodium. These vaulted accounts
relationship with the others. Our fully insured by Lloyd's of London are held under the client's own
Auctus Metal Portfolios algorithms and regularly audited. Auctus Metal family name which ensures
are focused entirely on extracting- Portfolios is a long-only portfolio sole title and fully segregated
out optimal returns from an already and we never revert back to Fiat ownership of the bullion.
acceptable performing asset class currency; unless of course the
(precious metals); by identifying client wishes to sell down some or
such investment opportunities that all of their metals; which of course
have not already been recognised they are free to do at any time and
through standard analysis. We tend without penalty. We provide our
to arrive very early in identifying clients with a unique login to our