Page 34 - Bullion World Issue 7 November 2021
P. 34

Bullion World | Issue 07 | November 2021

           A glimpse at                                                        Let us take a complete example of

                                                                               how to proceed with option trading
                                                                               in for e.g. gold.
           analyzing and using                                                 E.g.:  A jeweler has received

           Gold option chain                                                   a contract for jewellery which
                                                                               requires 100 grams of gold. This
                                                                               contract has been based on the
                                                                               cost of gold at 47400 rupees per
                                                                               10 grams. The jeweler needs
                                             The use of options allows the     to manufacture and deliver the
                                             precious metals supply chain      jewellery by November 20. The
                                             participants to hedge their price   jeweler will purchase this gold by
                                             risks. It also allows speculators with   Nov 5. The date when the contract
                                             a directional view to take positions   was entered was Oct 1. The risk
                                             on the commodities derivatives    faced by jeweler is that of gold
                                             exchanges. In a nutshell, an option   prices rising above the 47400
                                             on an underlying (for e.g. gold or   rupees level. If this happens it is
                                             silver) gives the participant the right  likely to add to the cost of raw
                                             to buy or sell at an agreed price for   material for jewellery manufacture
                                             a defined period of time. The buyer   as well as reduce the profit margin.
                                             of the call (with a bullish view on
                                             underlying) has the right but not the  As the jeweler expects the cost
                 Ms Ashwini Bansod           obligation to buy the underlying at   of underlying gold to increase in
             Head Commodities Research,      an agreed price in a defined time.   November, he decides to buy gold
                                             Similarly a put option buyer (with a   options on domestic exchange for
              PhillipCapital (India) Pvt. Ltd.
                                             bearish view on underlying) has the   e.g. on MCX, to manage the risk. To
                                             right but not the obligation to sell   do this he at the outset looks at the
                                             the underlying asset at an agreed   prevailing option chain (Chart 1) for
                                             price for a defined time.         gold for November expiry contract.

            Chart 1

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