Page 31 - Bullion World Issue 7 November 2021
P. 31

Bullion World | Issue 07 | November 2021

           high-level information to LBMA on    the identity of the refiner and   of the gold market and gold supply
           a phased-in basis. Starting in 2022,   local exporter located in red   chains, as well as focusing on
           refiners will disclose to LBMA the   flag locations.                auditor expectation under the
           number and location of high-risk   •   Acknowledge the complexity   audit programme. Detailed case
           suppliers. In 2023, refiners will    of risks: Welcome and publicly   studies were examined, and a test
           complete all relevant contractual    acknowledge any (new) source   was carried out to confirm auditor
           changes with suppliers to allow for   of material information with   understanding at the end of the
           greater disclosure, while continuing   regards to possible risks in the   three-day course.
           to provide information to LBMA.      company supply chain and
           Thereafter, refiners will provide    provide external stakeholders   5.  ASM – Engaging Responsibly
           LBMA with the full list of suppliers   with an understanding of     In addition to amendments to the
           operating in high-risk locations.    the challenges related to the   RGG, LBMA is seeking to improve
           Future versions of the RGG will      management of these risks.     and increase market access of
           focus on fuller public disclosure of   •   Ongoing communication:   ASM gold to GDL refiners. For
           this information.                    Demonstrate the company’s      this to happen a paradigm shift
                                                efforts in raising awareness   will be required that sees ASM
 The best time to buy a   Other guidance documents   about the complexity of the   in a separate light than industrial
           In addition to the revised RGG       issues.                        production. In addition to LBMA’s
 CombiBarTM was 10 years ago.
           version 9, LBMA updated  the third-  •   Accountability: Assure     support for standards such as
 The second best time is now.  party audit guidance, the refiner’s   external stakeholders of the   the CRAFT Code, LBMA will also
           toolkit, and formalised  standard    company’s responsibility in    look to support initiatives that
           operating procedures for the         managing the potential risks in   focus on supporting progressive
           Country of Origin data analysis and   its supply chain.             improvement, traceability and due
           the Incident Review Process.      •   Predictability: Regularly     diligence in the ASM sector.
                                                communicate to external
           3.  Transparency: Mandatory          stakeholders on the identified   Conclusion
              Disclosure Guidance               issues and on the due diligence   LBMA is committed to ensuring
           The December 2020 disclosure         steps to be implemented, as    continuous improvement of
           guidance mentioned above further     per the company due diligence   Responsible Sourcing business
           outlines the disclosure expectation   and risk management strategy.  practices and support supply
           that refiners must adopt as part                                    chains that are free from threat
           of their supply-chain disclosure   4.  Audit Programme – Auditor    financing.
           practices. Refiners are encouraged   Training
           to opt for proactive disclosure,   LBMA recognises that any audit is   With the current three-year strategy
           rather than reactive communication   only as good as the auditor. The   coming to a close in 2022, we
           with regards to potential risks in   ongoing review and enforcement of   anticipate a year of reflection
           the supply chain. The guidance    LBMA’s Approved Service Provider   and discussion as we define the
           includes a template, which        list (list of approved auditors)   priorities that will shape our future
           highlights what level of disclosure is   are important elements for the   direction. Without prejudicing the
           expected from refiners.           credibility of the Programme. LBMA   outcome of those consultations, we
                                             engages with auditors through     expect that any new priority areas
           The following recommendations     training sessions, webinars and   will build on and support existing
           and principles are provided to    bilateral discussions.            programmatic efforts.
           guide refiners on enhancing their
           due diligence disclosure:         During November – December
           •   Transparency: Mention the     2020, LBMA partnered with
              nature of the risks that are   Synergy Global Consulting
              being dealt with and give      to launch a comprehensive
              information as to the context   training programme for auditors.
              in which they might occur. For   Participation in this course was
              instance, provide the location   mandatory for all LBMA-approved
              in the supply chain and broader  auditors. The training focused on
              geographical area, as well as   improving auditor understanding

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