Page 43 - Bullion World Issue 7 November 2021
P. 43
Bullion World | Issue 07 | November 2021
Step 1: Sourcing obtaining metal alloys
Step 2: Cleaning of raw material alloys (copper)
Step 3; Melting of silver/gold (copper) metals
Step 4: Drawing of silver (copper) wire which is
For 4 kg of thread, silver and flattened after passing through rotating rollers
copper will be mixed in the ratio of
1:3. Gold is used at final stage for Step 5: Electroplating Silver (Copper) wire plated by gold (silver)
coating. For a long lasting thread electroplating process
4gm of gold should be used to
make 1kg of thread. But nowadays Step 6: Drawing of gold electroplated silver wire
it has come down to 1gm per kg. (silver electroplated copper wire) into finer stage
In imitation zari 3kg of Polyester
is used with 1kg of metal content. Step7: Badla: Flattening of gold electroplated silver wire
Manufacturer sets the price of (silver electroplated copper wire) to form badla
thread based on the price of
silver and gold on the day order is Step 8: Wrapping: Wrapping of flat gold (silver) electroplated wire
placed. For manufacturing of 4 kg, on base yarn, like silk, to form real (imitation) zari
it normally takes 15 days.
Step 9: Gilding: Gilding on real (imitation) zari
Production Process
Step10: Brightening increasing the lustre of gilded threads by
Multiple production processes passing them through a brightener to improves aesthetics.
is involved by zari industry for
production of both pure and Step11: Reeling Wounding zari thread on reel
imitation zari. The productions
are carried out in a decentralized
manner in different units
The processes involved in zari
manufacturing can broadly be
grouped depending up on the
final product Viz., Real zari and
Imitation zari. The different stages
of production of Zari could be
classified as follow: