Page 49 - Orientation
P. 49

Standard Operating Procedures

     ➢ Always offer Dessert and Coffee after each meal

            •    Use the dessert/cocktail menu as an up-selling tool. By bringing the dessert/cocktail

                 menu you are giving the guest a better visual and are more likely to get the sale. This

                 will lead to an increase in your check size and tip.

     ➢ Did you add any special message to your receipt?

            •    By writing “Thank You ☺” or “Hope to see you soon!” with a personal salutation, on

                 each guest check, you are helping to create a well rounded Guest First! experience

                 for every St. Louis guest.  It personalizes the experience.

     ➢ The server in control of table timing

            • It’s not fair to have the kitchen guess when guests are ready for their mains. Servers

                are better equipped to acknowledge the pace of their guests’ consumption; Two

                people take longer to eat a plate of nachos than six. Mains should NEVER come out
                while guests are enjoying apps.
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