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Introduc.on                                                                       About Us

                                            Get to know Tri-City

            For over sixty years, Tri-City has provided a level of  aGen.on, professional experience, .mely performance
            and  genuine  value  that  has  become  Florida’s  construc.on  industry  archetype  for  excellence.  Now  an
            employee  owned  company,  our  team  of  experienced,  professional  craHsmen  and  craHswomen  provide
            superior installa.on and service to all our valuable clients.

            Tri-City  offers  unparalleled  and  award-winning
    in  healthcare,  mission,
            commercial,  entertainment,  government,
            industrial  construc.on  projects  and  more.
            Based  on  sound  business  prac.ces  and
            management, Tri-City provides vast bonding
            capacity and human resources for projects
            of all sizes. With over 900 field and support
            staff  state-wide,  Tri-City  can  handle  any
            project;  from  start  to  finish,  from  wire  to

            wire;  locally  and  throughout  the  state  of

       Tri-City Electrical Contractor, Inc.  |  Electrical Proposal

              Talent • Results • Integrity

             To Do More Than Expected for Client,
                   Community and Employee.

      3                 Tri-City Electrical Contractor, Inc.  |  “To Do More Than Expected”  |
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