Page 1 - Heartbridge Healing Home General Update - December 2017
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                                                                                                 4  Quarter 2017

                                                           Heartbridge Healing Home News

                                                Comings and Goings

            October saw the graduations of two of our long-time residents, Hazel and Brent.

            Hazel was admitted to Heartbridge Healing Home at three months of age, having been born
            prematurely with a number of heart defects. She had already undergone a first-stage heart
            surgery before she came into the Healing Homes Program. Fortunately, we were able to keep
            her at Heartbridge until a family chose her for adoption and the final paperwork was
            completed. Hazel met her new family on October 9  and is adjusting beautifully. She will soon
            have a second surgery. How wonderful to know that she now has her very own Dad and Mom
            to be there for her as she recovers! We are so grateful for the wonderful team of sponsors who
            provided her with the gift of healing home care.

                                                                                Griffin in September

                                                                        “In a gentle way,

                                                                 you can shake the world”
                                                                       ~Mahatma Gandhi~
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