Page 127 - LLR-Exploration II
P. 127

I am sending you a summary of the Nomads project. "Los Nomadas Resort"

                   As you see, it was maybe too ambitious at the time, I was very enthusiastic.  I think the project was well
                   received, but I guess, at the end of the day, The Nomads resort was too ahead of its time, and we lost the
                   approval by one vote! Rob Rossi knows the story better than anyone.
                   Maybe Genine knows the name of the lake, if it has a name, I think it was just familiarly known as Zou's lake.

                   Email from Zourab, October 2, 2017

                   My mistake, the lake's name is Igor's lake and my son Igor confirmed it to me. I guess I was just looking for
                   my 15 minutes of fame and glory!

                   Thanks Becca especially for her kind gesture to restock the lake with bass and perch. In my time, the rancher
                   could not have dammed up the stream, so that he keeps all the water for his Avocados without installing a

                   The three bulls painting official name is "Los Toros de Soria" and it was painted by John Ulbricht [1926-2000]
                   who was Cuban born, I also, like the Vander Horsts, fell in love with the painting, and bought it in John's
                   studio, even before it was finished. He painted the canvas from notes and sketches that he took, while
                   visiting the fighting bull farms in Soria.

                   I do not know if Ulbricht painted other
                   bulls, and I wanted to send the artist a
                   covering letter introducing the Vander
                   Horsts, when all of a sudden, it struck
                   me, that I am eighty years old and John
                   was considerably older than me! I
                   looked him up in the internet and
                   sadly, he left us in 2006.

                                                        Figure 103: Los Toros de Soria in   Figure 104: Two Nudes, 1952, John   Figure 105: Woman Holding Cat, John Ulbricht
                                                        background                  Ulbricht

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