Page 130 - LLR-Exploration II
P. 130

TBILISI, December 5 (RIA
              Novosti) – Georgia’s
              traditional method of

              wine production, using
              underground clay jars for
              fermentation, has been
              placed on a UN list of
              protected non-material
              cultural heritage.

              A UNESCO committee
              awarded the Georgian
              jars, known as kvevri,
              protected status on
              Wednesday during a
                                           Figure 109: Kvervi, above ground-- large earthenware vessels used for the
                                                                                                          Figure 110: The keipi of three noblemen", by
              meeting held this week in    fermentation, storage and ageing of traditional Georgian wine   the Georgian naïve artist Pirosmani.
              Azerbaijan’s capital, Baku,
              to review new                                                                                 At some keipi there may be 20 or
              applications for the list.                                                                    more toasts, with spaces between
              Georgian wine is                                                                              to ensure that no one gets overly
              traditionally sealed in the                                                                   intoxicated since the constant
              kvevri – amphora-like clay                                                                    threat of invasion called for
              vessels that are buried                                                                       everyone in the village to be sober
              underground up to the                                                                         enough to fight. He goes on to
              neck – for up to six                                                                          mention that "The Georgian
              months to mature, giving                                                                      custom is to drain the wine bowl,
              the liquid a distinctive                                                                      then throw away the last drops.
              earthy flavor.                                                                                They are the number of your
              The fermentation
              tradition dates back
              about 8,000 years.           Figure 108: Kvervis burying process in winery
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