Page 135 - LLR-Exploration II
P. 135

The Tchkotoua Family


                   The Tchkotoua family originates from occidental Georgia in the Caucasus, a region called Samurzakano on   Notes:
                   the border of Mingrelia and Abkhasia.                                                                _________________

                   In the 9th century the first known ancestor, Bero Tchkotoua, founded a monastery in Natsimeri and built the   _________________
                   family castle in Saberio, the land of the family.  They have since been feudal Princes of Saberio. Germain   _________________
                   Tchkotoua was Prince Bishop of Bedia under the reign of Bagrat III (978 – 1014).
                   The Tchkotouas were many times appointed Regents of the Province of Samurzakano by the Georgian Kings,   _________________
                   notably in the 14th, 15th and 18th centuries.
                   The Russian Empire annexed Georgia in 1801 and thereafter Georgian noble families were included in the
                   Russian Nobility Register. Georgia gained its independence during the revolution.                    _________________
                   Recent antecedent - Prince Nicolas Tchkotoua (1909 - 1984)
                   Prince Nicolas Tchkotoua, Bailiff Grand Cross of Honor and Devotion of the Order of Malta, was Ambassador
                   of the Sovereign Order of the Knights of Malta and he set up diplomatic missions in Peru, Chile, Costa Rica   _________________
                   and Spain.                                                                                           _________________
                   Following the arrival of the Bolsheviks in 1921, Prince Nicolas Tchkotoua, was evacuated as a young child to   _________________
                   Geneva, Switzerland via Constantinople, for his safety. On reaching Geneva, a distant cousin, Princess   _________________
                   Amoulakvari, known to him as Tante Veronika, who had joined the Red Cross, took the young prince under
                   her wing.                                                                                            _________________
                   After finishing his studies in Europe, he moved to the United States, settling finally in Los Angeles where he
                   met his future wife, Carol Carpenter Marmon, the only daughter of Howard Carpenter Marmon and        _________________
                   Florence Moore Myers.                                                                                ________________

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