Page 55 - LLR-Exploration II
P. 55
Average product of each cow per year in butter…. $45 00
Average worth of calf …………………………………………… $10 00
Average worth of hog feed on the milk ………………. $10 00
Total of products per cow ……………………………………. $65 00 Notes:
The system is generally to let the cows graze, and thus support themselves entirely…but the best dairymen _________________
raise hay, beets, corn and other fodder, which system adds greatly to the profits of the farmer. _________________
In 1873 the dairy product of the country was 300,000 pounds of butter and 500,000 pounds of cheese; in _________________
1876, 500,000 pounds of butter and 600,000 of cheese; in 1881, 1,331,160 pounds of butter and 872,362 _________________
pounds of cheese; and in 1882, 1,567,350 pounds of butter and 985,420 pounds of cheese, showing a steady
increase. This product makes San Luis Obispo the second county in California in the production of butter _________________
(being first in quality), and the first in the production of cheese—the Steele Brothers being classed as making _________________
the largest amount of cheese of any firm in the world.
…In June 1883, the shipment was as follows:
Butter Cheese (app. 30 lbs. each) _________________
Port Hartford 99,100 pounds 764 cheeses _________________
Cayucos 94,600 pounds 93 cheeses _________________
San Simeon 68,100 pounds
Total 261,900 25,710 pounds _________________
Butter is chiefly shipped in boxes containing fifty rolls of two pounds
each, every roll wrapped in linen cloth and marked with the stamp _________________
of the dairy or owner’s initial on one end. Some f the stamps from _________________
San Luis Obispo have attained the highest reputation in the first- ________________
class markets, and the butter commands the highest process, or, as
it is denominated, it is “gilt-edged,” the retail price being from
twenty-seven and one-half to forty cents per pound.