Page 57 - LLR-Exploration II
P. 57
When the Cows Come Home And youthful hopes, and youthful fears, To-link, to-lank, tolinklelinkle,
Agnes E. Mitchell When the cows come home. O’er banks with butter-cups a twinkle
The cows come slowly home;
WITH klingle, klangle, klingle, With ringle, rangle, ringle, And up through memory’s deep ravine,
Way down the dusty dingle, By twos and threes and single, Come the brook’s old song and its old-time
The cows are coming home; The cows are coming home. sheen,
Now sweet and clear, and faint and low, Through the violet air we see the town, And the crescent of the silver queen,
The airy tinklings come and go, And the summer sun a-slipping down; When the cows come home.
Like chimings from some far-off tower, The maple in the hazel glade
Or patterings of an April shower Throws down the path a longer shade, With a klingle, klangle, klingle,
That makes the daisies grow— And the hills are growing brown. With a loo-oo, and moo-oo, and jingle,
Ko-kling, ko-klang, koklinglelingle, To-ring, to-rang, toringleringle,
Way down the darkening dingle By threes and fours and single, The cows are coming home;
The cows come slowly home. The cows come slowly home. And over there on Merlin hill,
The same sweet sound of wordless psalm, Hear the plaintive cry of the whippoorwill;
With jingle, jangle, jingle,
Soft sounds that sweetly mingle, The same sweet June-day rest and calm, The dew-drops lie on the tangled vines,
The cows are coming home; And over the poplars Venus shines;
Malime, and Pearl, and Florimel, The same sweet scent of bud and balm, And over the silent mill,
DeKamp, Redrose, and Gretchen Schell, When the cows come home. Ko-ling, ko-lang, kolinglelingle,
Queen Bess, and Sylph, and Spangled Sue— With a ting-a-ling, and jingle,
With a tinkle, tankle, tinkle, The cows come slowly home.
Across the field I hear loo-oo, Through fern and periwinkle, Let down the bars; let in the train
And clang her silver bell, The cows are coming home; Of long-gone songs, and flowers, and rain;
Go-ling, go-lang, golinglelingle, A-loitering in the checkered stream,
With faint far sounds that mingle, Where the sun-rays glance and gleam, For dear old times come back again
The cows come slowly home; Starine, Peachbloom, and Phœbe Phyllis When the cows come home.
And mother-songs of long-gone years, Stand knee deep in the creamy lilies,
And baby joys, and childish fears, In a drowsy dream.