Page 10 - August 2020 Boomer Times & Senior Life
P. 10
Make Your Retirement Rich By Volunteering
By Anita Finley, MPS
What do we mean by volunteering? If you go to The Volen Center and offer your services, tell them what
There is no single, accepted definition, you would like to do as a volunteer, you can change your life, while
but it was described in 2005 in the helping others.
UK code of the Compact, the frame- If you also want to volunteer on your own, here are some suggestions
work agreement between government to make it successful:
and civil society, as “an activity that Share your time
involves spending time, unpaid, doing Volunteer for organizations that support older people. These often
something that aims to benefit the offer “befriending” schemes for isolated elderly people, and rely on vol-
environment or individuals or groups other than [or in addition to] close unteers for one-to-one contact as a telephone “buddy,” visitor or driver,
relatives.” A much longer United Nations definition in 2001 identified or hosting social events for groups.
three core elements: the activity should not be undertaken “primarily” Start a conversation
for financial reward (although expenses and “some token payment” It’s not always easy to know who or how to help. A good start is
may be allowed); it should be undertaken of an individual’s own free simply to stop and talk to an elderly neighbor if you pass them on the
will (although an element of compulsion may be acceptable in schemes street.
such as school students’ community service); and the activity should If you think an older person may have trouble hearing or has memory
benefit someone other than the volun- The person you’re helping will reap health problems, make sure to speak clearly (but
teer, while recognizing that they, too, benefits, and you’ll find you will as well. don’t shout!).
may gain significant benefit. Pause between sentences and ques-
Volunteering for an organization that supports older people is a key tions to give them chance to digest the information. And allow a little
way of helping a lonely or socially isolated older person. But a simple extra time for them to respond – don’t hurry them.
friendly chat or phone call can make all the difference, too.
Evidence suggests giving your time in this way could be as valuable To read this entire article, go to
to you as the person you support. The COO of The Volen Center, Jared Policano, and staff are so
It’s likely to boost your self-esteem and sense of purpose. And help- dedi cated, working tirelessly, continuing to make The Volen Center’s
ing others takes your mind off your own problems for a while. programs special. The Board of Directors are also volunteers oversee-
We are very fortunate to have The Volen Center in Boca Raton and ing the continued effectiveness of this not-for-profit organization. Why
Delray Beach. They have developed excellent volunteer programs, so don’t you call them at 561-395-8920 or go online to
even if you are inclined to help seniors as a volunteer, you don’t have and ask for a tour. You will be as impressed as I am!
to create volunteer opportunities by yourself.
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10 / BoomerTimes & SeniorLife AUGUST 2020