Page 11 - August 2020 Boomer Times & Senior Life
P. 11





                                                                       THEY’D FLIP IF THEY KNEW HOW MUCH FUN
      Day Care as                                                           WE HAVE AT THE VOLEN CENTER!
       low as $899
        per month

                                        When you get to be our age, sometimes you just need to get away from bossy kids and
                                        caregivers, and just do your thing. Like hanging out with friends your own age. Playing
                                        cards and games, discovering technology, getting artsy, having fabulous parties and
                                        dancing the day away! You know… fun stuff!
      Now Specializing in
     early onset dementia               Now don’t get me wrong. I love my kids. But now that they are middle-aged, they’re just
                                        so serious. There’s NO WAY that they’d ever approve of a place like The Volen Center.
      in East Boca location
                                        Mention Boomer Times and get one day FREE Adult Day Care (Value $65)

                                                            Adolph & Rose Levis Alzheimer
                                  Adult Day Care Program    and Adult Day Care Center
     1515 West Palmetto Park Road,  850 North Congress Avenue  21050 95th Avenue South
     Boca Raton, FL 33486         Delray Beach, FL. 33445   Boca Raton, FL. 33428
     561.395.8920                 561.265.3667              561.558.2510                        866.711.6872
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