Page 16 - Infocus 4 January 2018 _Neat
P. 16

Goa Analysis

             Current Scenario                                                                                                        The analysis is based on informal conversations with some journalists in Goa, parents of
                                                                                                                                     children who get Mid-Day Meal in schools, teachers, and people who have a rough idea about
             School Timings in Goa                              Goa At a Glance                                                      MDM in the Goan context as they come in contact with schools and children because of their
             In Goa, school timings are 08:00                                                                                        line of work. At the same time, it also includes information published in newspapers and
             AM – 01:00 PM, with ‘recess’—                                                                                           telecast on local channels.
             typically a 15-minute break—at                     1,458,545
             around 11:00 AM. So the food that                  State Population (2011 Census)
             is provided as a part of the Mid-Day                                                                                    Political
             Meal Programme in Goa is more of                   62%
             ‘snack’ instead of ‘lunch.’ Children                                                                                    Chief Minister’s Take
             have the breakfast of their choice                 Urban (Density: 1771 per sq km)                                      The Chief Minister of Goa, Manohar Parrikar seems enthusiastic about the idea of tying up
             at home and return for lunch after                                                                                      with The Akshaya Patra Foundation. However, it has to be noted that he has previously gone
             school. As for snacks during their                 38%                                                                  public with the idea, only to go back on his words when the All Goa Mid-Day Meal Federation
             recess, children either carry their                                                                                     (AGMDMF) comprising the 105 Self-Help Groups (SHGs) protested. Though 105 is not a big
             tiffin box or get pocket money.                    Rural (Density: 173 per sq km)                                       number, one has to keep in mind that Parrikar is heading a coalition Government.
             Snacks are readily available in the
             school canteen or in general stores                88%                                                                  Fragile Coalition
             around the school. This is especially              Literacy Rate                                                        In the 40-member Goa Assembly, BJP has 14 seats, and therefore, it had to tie up with
             true in the urban setting.                                                                                              MGP (3 seats) and Goa Forward (3 seats) plus some Independents to form the Government.
                                                                0.617                                                                Though traditional allies, BJP and MGP decided to part ways before the 2017 Assemble
             Cujira Integrated Educational                      Consumption based HDI: 0.617                                         Elections as they could not come to a seat sharing agreement. As for Goa Forward, they were
             Complex – Pilot Project Site                                                                                            critical of Parrikar before the elections but decided eventually decided to join the coalition.
             The Cujira Integrated Educational                  (2007-08; 2015 data not available)
             Complex, where the Government                                                                                           Fringe Political Groups
             plans to start serving Akshaya                                                                                          In addition, the SHGs also have the support of some political groups which do not have
             Partra’s mid-day meals on a pilot                                                                                       elected representatives, but have the ability to make some noise by hitting the streets and
             basis, has schools which have                                                                                           giving sound bites to local media.
             been moved there from the city
             of Panjim—the state capital. The                   Educational Statistics at Glance                                     Mahila Mandals with Political Patronage
             children studying in these schools                 2015-16                                                              It is also important to note here that some of the mahila mandals involved in MDM feeding
             come from well-to-do families from                                                                                      in Goa enjoy political patronage—especially the ones in the interior talukas such as Sattari,
             in and around the city and thus,                   Average area covered by a school                                     Sanguem, and Ponda. They form an important chunk of the vote bank for some ministers in
             don’t really need MDM.                             i) Primary School/Department 3.09 Sq. km.                            the current Government.
                                                                ii) Middle School/Department 8.39 Sq. km.
             Scenario in Rural Goa                              iii) Secondary/Department 9.18 Sq. km.                               All these factors considered, it is difficult to say that the Government won’t develop cold
             In the rural areas, things are                                                                                          feet the next time SHGs threatens to agitate. However, as of now the Chief Minister seems
             different. There are areas                         Average population served by a school                                positive about the partnership. In fact, on the eve on Teachers’ Day (05/09/2017), he
             where children have to walk a                      i) Primary School/Department 1221                                    reiterated that providing quality food to students is the core issue of his Government, not the
             considerable distance to reach                     ii) Middle School/Department 3307                                    welfare of SHGs.
             the school. If the schools wind up                 iii) Secondary School/Department 3619
             by 01:00 PM, they take another
             hour to walk home. These are the                   Number of Schools
             children who actually need midday                  No. of Primary Schools (I-IV) 1190
             meals and that’s evident from the                  No. of Central Govt. Primary Schools (I-IV) 5
             fact that they don’t waste it. In                  No. of Middle Schools (V-VII) 434
             urban area, in contrast, a lot of food             No. of Secondary Schools (V-X/VIII-X) 396
             gets wasted.                                       No. of Central Govt. Secondary Schools (V-X) 7

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