Page 11 - kniha_Exp
P. 11

I would like to donate
                       my collection of scientific                       Could you water
                        books to the University.                      the flower beds, dear?

                                       Thank you,         With pleasure.
                                     but we can‘t accept  I’m just going to trim
                                        your o er.     the hedge by the door.

                                                        Spring 1979, with his wife Zuzana
             Professor Král wanted to also give lectures  in the garden of their house in Lima,
             in Brno. He was not allowed to.                  near Philadelphia.
            How old was he?  88
                                                     Professor Král was honoured
                                                     with high class decorations
                                                     of several states as well as several
                                                     prestigious scientific awards.

             František Král was buried in his hometown,
             Albrechtice, in 1980.

                     on your Frank Král award.

                Since 2012 the American Academy
                of Veterinary Dermatology (AAVD)                        We honour
               recognizes outstanding achievements                      his memory.
                    in the field with an award.
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