Page 6 - kniha_Exp
P. 6
Well, gentlemen,
this is beautiful. We’re doing
a good thing.
He was also accepted as a member of the Rotary Club in Brno. Thanks to the club,
the Milosrdných bratří hospital undertook an extensive reconstruction.
I’m happy to be able
to represent
this Rotary District.
In September, major world leaders sign an
agreement in Munich, permitting Germany
Košice, Rotary District conference, to annex portions of Czechoslovakia along
election of a governor.
the country’s border.
“Let us endeavour to make They say I should come
the word “Czechoslovak” ask about a job tomorrow.
signify human, creative Have you found
and national perfection. a place to stay yet?
If we believe in ourselves,
we shall win.”
Members of Rotary Clubs are in shock.
František Král is able to stabilize Czech people are leaving the border area
the situation. Nine clubs in the newly and migrating inland. Members of Rotary Clubs
German area break up anyway. are among those o ering support to the refugees.